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Orm: Becky I'm sorry, I don't want you to feel like that, I wish you would come over and we can speak things out, I want to be here for you and that's all I've wanted to do

Becky: I get that. I don't want that though. I just know that you know a lot of things going on with Freen and you even defended her when I told her she may of beaten Billy, your married to lingling how could you lie to me? im supposed to be your bestfriend, I feel no loyalty from you and I think that it's best this way. Please don't respond I won't respond to you anymore. Bye.

Orm: You are being ridiculous I'm coming over.

Becky: You can come over, I won't be there!

I head to the airport, my private jet was being refurbished but I didn't care I just needed to take a flight urgently and that's what I did.

Whilst I was sitting in the airport café, i sit next to a man reading a news paper

"Want a brownie?" He asks as he hands me the box

"Im good thank you" I kindly reject him

"So where you off to?" He asked me

"I'm off to England, you?"

"I just landed, I'm waiting for my friend to come and pick me up, I got a special patient to treat" he chuckled

"Oh I thought you looked extremely smart, I'm Becky"

"Nop" he shakes my hand and then he looks up at me in shock

"I know you from somewhere" he says as he looks at me and clicks his fingers, where does this man know me from

"Your Freen's wife aren't you, she told me a lot about you, you was on her phone wallpaper" he says

Me as her wallpaper?

"Who are you?" I raise my brows, did she walk around telling people we are still married, should I just go along with it? i don't want to embarrass her and maybe I still loved the thought of being named her wife.

"I'm one of her doctors, you know what she's been fighting for so long, theirs been so many times where she's told she isn't going to make it and she just pulls right through, you married a strong woman" he holds my shoulder and smiles sympathetically at me

"I did" I mumble as my heart drops to the floor, the room went fuzzy and my vision goes blurry and my tears just stream out continuously.

"Are you okay?" He holds me before I fall back off my seat

Before I knew it the room went black.



"Freen's phone is ringing" Lingling says as we sit in the waiting room, we are exhausted and I just had a full on cry about Becky as well

"It's Nop" I say as we both look at it and then lingling answers

"Okay okay which airport?" She looks at me and mouths "Becky knows" which makes my heart race so fast, oh my god I'm fucking shitting it.

"Okay I'm sending my wife there because I need to stay with Freen bye thanks Nop" she hangs up

"Becky fainted at the airport and they rushed her to the emergency room, she needs to be picked up they won't let her leave" Lingling says

"You need to hurry babe, worry about the outcome later" she pushed me and I froze for a second because the stress is just taking over me by now I feel sick to my stomach knowing Becky is mad at me and now she knows everything.

The drive to the airport was very long but I had to go and get Becky I was worried sick, I thought if I picked up Irin and noey then it would take the tension away a little bit. Well I hope so.

God if I could make Becky any more mad at me, she fainted hearing the news, imagine how she's going to feel seeing Freen.


"She's okay she can go home in a little bit sometimes the medication Freen is taking can be a bit too much and sometimes when she gets overwhelmed it just gets out of control resulting into her shutting down" the doctor explains to me, I watch my beautiful best friend look at me and sigh

I know she's so tired of this, the cancer is just playing with her emotions, she doesn't know when she's going, she's been told so many times she won't make it and she doesn't even fight anymore and the fear of losing Freen just scares me, I always try and get her to fight back on her feet and I'm pretty sure she would of given up had I not moved to New Zealand and pushed her.

"You okay?" I sit on the bed and pull her for a gentle hug

"I'm fine, can we go home" she sighs as she holds me and leans on my shoulder a bit longer clearly exhausted

"Yeah we can" okay when do I tell her Becky has found out, like now or like in a little while? oh my god I want the ground to swallow me whole.

"You didn't tell my mom right?" She looks at me

"No I just rushed you here" i didn't tell your mom but Nop told Becky

"Oh good, where's Orm?" She seems a lot better even though her hair is slightly messy and her eyes are blood shot red.

"Oh I'm not sure she was here a while ago, let's book an Uber" I shrug, lingling you are the worst liar in the universe of liars please don't let her catch you

"She just left you here?" Freen asks

"Yeah she had work to do" I say, although it made Orm seem rude, I'm sorry baby I love you xoxoxохох

I didn't know what else to say.

We booked an Uber to Freen's house, we order a take out and then she checks her text messages and jumps out of her seat.

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