Becky: don't you think it's so selfish leading Orm on? Then fucking off to another country to be with Freen?
Lingling: I'm not leading Orm on. If you don't understand a situation don't get your head involved kindly.
Becky: How have you spent 3 days with her and every single day with her?
Lingling; her names Freen & like I said Becky, please do not speak on situations you don't understand, you moved on and good for you. No one's bitter about that, I plan to move back soon, I don't need to give you any explanation, I owe it to Orm and I will give it to her when the timing is right. Focus on your own relationship.
Becky: I am focused on my own relationship but you really are just breaking Orm's heart, running back to Freen every time, make your mind up at least
Lingling; Listen Orm and I had broke up because the long distance thing wouldn't work, but we both couldn't stop messaging each other, you think I'm happy doing this to her? like I said please just stay out of it. I am not trying to make her life hard.
Becky: So you party in Hawaii? But you wouldn't go visit your girlfriend? you are a joke🙂
Lingling: thank you. I hope your new gf is giving you happiness Becky, seriously. Leave me alone.
Becky: and tell that best friend of yours she's a bitch and a fucking loser.
Lingling; noted. Thanks! All the best to you
God I feel bad now
Becky; don't tell her I called her a bitch I just feel bad for Orm. Im sorry I shouldn't be mad at you but at the same time, Orm is so in love with you and I hated seeing her looking upset with the fact she only spent 3 days with you
Lingling: I love Orm too and I'll be returning very soon hopefully and so will Freen so I won't have to travel to see her. Orm wont be sad with the amount of time I will spend with her I can assure you, just sometimes things get in the way of life and I'm trying my best to do right and I'm getting bashed for it. Please Becky just understand right now I'm not intentionally being malicious and neither do I hate you.
Becky: it's not easy to understand why you both packed your bags and left so urgently it's a bit of a shock, I no longer have love for Freen but I do want to know why she left just so randomly I spent my life with her and just like that she left like I didn't mean shit
Lingling: that isn't for me to say, I don't know if you and Freen will ever meet again but I hope you do get the answers you look for.
For the first time in ages tears streamed down my eyes and I couldn't understand why, maybe this conversation with lingling will just help me move on completely
Becky: is she okay?
Becky: don't answer that, I moved on and I don't care actually. I just wanted answers but it's all good. If you are serious about Orm you should perhaps consider coming down for a longer time because I know when your in love you don't want to really spend time away from the one you love.
Lingling: I know Becky. And I'm sorry for how it ended between you both, I hope you and jane are happy together
Becky: we are happy thank you. Come back soon and make my bestfriend happy🙂
Lingling; I will be back very soon.
Orm: you messaged lingling?
Becky: yeah I did
Orm: she feels really bad, saying sorry so many times and she's crying on the phone
Becky: is that good or bad?
Orm: I don't know she told me she's going to be back soon, I'm going to have to be patient
Becky: I'm so happy for you, once she's back you'll be back to normal
Orm: see that's the thing, if she comes back Freen's coming back too
Becky: okay but I have no issue with you hanging around Freen
Orm: are you sure?
Becky: yeah man she was your friend as well, honestly I'm over it. Just don't bring her around me
Orm: Lol oh hell nah, don't want
you both ripping each others heads offBecky: LOL anyways I'm boarding the plane, enough of this bs, love ya
Orm: enjoy with jane x send us pictures
Becky: I sure will honey bun
Jane and I really enjoyed our stay in Maldives we were treated so well, it was nice to get my head off things and actually relax in the sun.
"Babe, how many kids do you want?" Jane asks me
"Um none" I chuckle as I lay on the sunbed in my shades, she's laying on the one beside me
"What no kids? Seriously? So your telling me if we get married you don't want any children at all?" She gets up from her seat
"At the moment I don't want any, maybe later on" i respond because I knew she was unhappy with my answer
"Imagine if we had a little boy or a little girl wouldn't that make you happy even though you aren't that affectionate I think with our kids you'll be more affectionate" she responds because she's seen me with my nieces and nephews and how happy I am around them.
I am affectionate what is she talking about? oh wow I really am not affectionate am I?
"You think I'm not affectionate?" I turn my head to her
"You aren't but I don't really mind to be honest"
"Yeah you hate when I kiss you and you have lipstick on" I chuckle
"Yeah I do that's so annoying babe" she giggles.
"Come here I'll show you how affectionate I am" I grab her arm and pull her to my lap

FanfictionBecky has been left in the dark as to why her wife divorced her and left the country with lingling. Orm chases her love but Becky has too many hurdles to deal with. g! p (Becky and Orm) mature contents 📌 little bit of swearing