They made me rewatch the CCTV footage and told me I had attacked that pervert first.
Although they understood why I did it, they told me I'd have to do 3 weeks in for physical assault as the man had reported me.
3 weeks?
I sit inside the jail cell furious.
"Can I call my wife?" I ask the police officer
"You aren't allowed right now, you'll be able to later" the officer responded
"But she'll end up getting worried as to why I didn't come back, she has cancer, please understand, her life is so fragile, I can't just not speak to her, please let me call her" I fell to my knees as I literally begged the officer
"I'm not allowed to, but because you said she has cancer I'll allow you, you can't tell anyone" he replied as he takes me to another room
"Thank you, thank you, what's your name" I breathe out in relief
"Officer wonwoo" he says
"Thank you officer Wonwoo"
I dial Freen's number as it's the only number I remember off by heart.
"Freen it's me Becky"
"We are waiting for you when are you coming?"
"I have a chance to improve the company even more, I have to meet a few of the business guys in pattaya, It may be a couple of days, you'll be okay right?" I had to lie to her, I didn't want Freen being overly anxious and worried, it could make her health really bad
"Where are you going now? And why is the call from No Caller ID?"
"It's my office phone that's why babe, I'll be back soon I promise, I trust you to take your medication on time okay" I say to her softly, the officer just stands with his arms crossed as he keeps a look out for me
"Yeah, she said she's going on a business trip" Freen says to ling and Orm.
"Make sure lingling stays with you until I'm back"
"I'll take my medication on time, just be back quick, it's so weird how you suddenly got up and left"
"I know my baby, i was so excited about this opportunity, I've been waiting for so long I couldn't contain myself, I'll be back before you know it okay"
"How long are we talking?"
"Not sure until we manage to close the deal" or until Noey comes back and gets me the hell out.
"Okay take care of yourself, call me when you have the chance, you unblocked your number anyways" she chuckles
"I love you so much, I'm missing you already" I smile, Wonwoo looks at me and scoffs and then signals for me to hurry up
"If that's the case then be back soon"
"How do you have the balls to say that in front of your friends?"
"I went to the bathroom, to tell you that I also love you" she whispers and my heart just bursted with pure happiness
"Next time I want you to say that directly to my face, until then I'll see you soon my love"
"I'll see you soon bec" she hangs up
I look at Wonwoo who looks at me and shakes his head in disbelief
"I thought you were a thug when you walked in but you are a simp my friend"
He handcuffs me again and walks to my cell it's a private one since moneyyy talks.
"I guess I am"
"And it was supposed to be 2 minute phone call, you literally just went all cringe mode" he says as I begin laughing
"Don't judge people by how they look, my wife looks like a princess but she used to karate kick the boys in our high school" I say to him
"I see I see, you like tough girls"
"Yeah my girls real tough, she can fight anything" I smile
3 days later I managed to call ling and check in on her and Freen.
"Becky her operation is next week what the heck do I do, you LEFT ME in the most stressful situation"
"You pushed it to next week?" I ask
"Yeah I thought you might be back and now your saying you won't be back? Becky I won't be able to control Freen only you can" Ling panics which makes me panic even more panicked
"I got arrested"
She gasped so loudly
"Look ling, you need to do what you did last time because if you don't then Freen won't be better, if I was here I wouldn't of let you go through that alone, but trick her that it's a check up, she can shout at us all she wants afterwards but it's important we get her operated regardless, It will improve her chances of getting better"
"I know I know, I've done this before I don't know why I'm so worried, she has to suck it up, I know she's scared and hates operations but she's going to have to do it, I'll use my super scary voice" Lingling says
"I don't think it works on Freen I won't lie to you"
"That girl, she isn't scared of me for some reason, I try so hard" Lingling huffs resulting into me laughing
"Anyways I'll keep you updated, don't drop the soap and all of that" Lingling hangs up, I look at the phone confused as hell.
Then I'm escorted back to the cell.
It's not been that many days but I'm missing my Freen like crazy, it's just odd how I managed to live a year without her and now it's been 3 days and I'm acting like a loser.
Wonwoo walks in as he exchanges shifts with the officer on look out
"Becky, Noey told me to give this to you, if you get caught it isn't given by me, understood?"
He slides me an iPhone
"Oh my god I love that girl, thanks wonwoo" when the hell is noey getting back, she needs to get me the hell out of here.
I was so grateful that she did this even though she isn't in the city.

FanfictionBecky has been left in the dark as to why her wife divorced her and left the country with lingling. Orm chases her love but Becky has too many hurdles to deal with. g! p (Becky and Orm) mature contents 📌 little bit of swearing