We had a crazy night, we flew down to Ibiza and partied our asses off and then went back to our hotel rooms drunk off our asses.
Wedding day.
"Do I look good? like attractive I don't wanna look okay or nice, tell me I look attractive" I turn to Becky, why does she look more attractive than me I should really deck her right now.
"You look attractive?" Becky chuckled
"You ARE JUSY SAYING THAT BECAUSE I TOLD YOU TO" I yell back, my hands are sweaty oh my god
"Orm if you looked ugly I wouldn't of let you attend the wedding, now shut up let me fix your bow tie" Becky says as she twists me around and helps me
get ready, she stayed over at my house so that I wasn't nervous all night."This is adorable" my mum walks in as she captures as picture of Becky fixing my bow tie
"Mum do you really have to take pictures?" I sigh
"Stop being nervous, you'll look back at this and laugh one day" my mum responds which is true but I'm still anxious at this very moment, what if lingling trips down the aisle, I mean I'm Orm I can recover but she's would be so embarrassed and I'd feel so bad for her, or what if the cake taste really bad or what if the food doesn't come on time.
"Ready to go?" Becky says as she nudges me
"I guess" I breathe out as Becky and I enter the rolls Royce.
I stand beside Orm as we wait for lingling to enter, heng, Billy and Irin are standing beside us in matching outfits as we wait for lingling and her friends/family come.
Right now it's literally a high school reunion at this point and some strangers I assume are Orm's colleagues and lingling's.
Then the brides family walk in and my heart beat starts going insane knowing who is about to walk through any second soon.
I notice that gang of boys, they're still friends huh?
Kade, Chan, misy, smin, Babe and tong all besties still? That's nice I guess, I mean I never had issues with them, they were Orm and heng's friends never mine, and Irin may of had a crush on tong back in the day if I do recall.
Lingling's sister makes her entrance and we all woo for her, then faye, one of Freen & lingling's close friends,then milk, love and then the last one to walk in was Freen with a flower bouquet and my legs just went jelly.
I gulped as I tried to keep composure, she looks amazing, she has a dress I believe is backless, damn she's outdone everyone in this room, and I couldn't help but stare at her as she looked so much smaller, so much more fragile and petite, her skin was slightly paler but that didn't stop anyone from looking at her like she was the most beautiful woman ever, because they were and she had the loudest cheer, she smiled and waved at everyone as
she walked down in her heels.
Why is everyone staring at her like that? I should punch them in their faces. Then I remember she is nobody to me. I know she can see me but she avoids my gaze but slaps Orm jokingly on the shoulder
"You look good idiot" she whispered
"I think your entertainment is done for the night, everyone enjoyed your little cat walk" Orm whispers as she chuckled and Freen rolled her eyes in a playful way and walked to her friends.
She literally won't even look at me, fine I won't look at her either.
Stupid cow
I huff in annoyance but then I see jane in the seats recording me, I smile at her camera and give her a little wink in to which I notice Freen looking at us and then turning to whisper to Faye and giggle.
Then finally lingling walks in with her parents, both by her side, I found that adorable that both parents were with her, it's out of tradition and it's cute, I look at Orm and chuckle as she tries to contain her tears.
I look over to Freen and notice she's already sobbing whilst watching her best friend walk down the isle, she silently cries as she holds her mouth to contain her tears, why do I feel sympathy for her? she ruined my happiness.
Once lingling's father and mother shake Orm's hand the ceremony begins.
The i do's are all said and all that bla bla and the emotional shit they said which was adorable but it just was hard for me not to look at Freen considering we did this once upon a time.
Once the ceremony was over the party
began, we did the crazy dance routine which had lingling yelling and laughing so hard, it was such a fun event, Freen was not in sight and for some reason I looked around for her in the room and noticed she's sat in the far corner with Faye, her arms and legs crossed, she looks like the boss bitch she was when I first met her, her chest was on display and if I was married to her I'd be extremely jealous of other men looking, I noticed a few people approaching her, probably asking for her number and I don't know why I had that jealousy in me.
"Where's jane?" Irin nudge me.
"Probably gone to the bathroom why?"
"We need to take a group picture go get her" Irin says as she pushes me
I walk off to the bathroom
"BABE?" I yell as I enter the bathroom
Then I hear a scream, I run to the cubicle and Billy and jane run out, his belt undone and jane's dress half way off her shoulder.
Oh my god, ladies and gentleman, Becky Armstrong has been taken for a foooool for far too long darling.

FanfictionBecky has been left in the dark as to why her wife divorced her and left the country with lingling. Orm chases her love but Becky has too many hurdles to deal with. g! p (Becky and Orm) mature contents 📌 little bit of swearing