Chapter Five- Can I still take up on that offer?

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Leo wants to be my friend? I know to many of you making friends is no big deal but for me it is. All my life I never had a friend -no offense Ally, Jerry and Oscar, I still love ya- so imagine the shock I am experiencing.

"I-I can't", I say finally coming out of shock.  I would have taken up on his offer if it wasn't for Brianna's heated glare burning into the back of my head.

"Why?", Leo asks while a hurt expression settles on his face, clearly not taking the rejection well.

" I just can't", I quickly grab my bag and food tray, not wanting to play twenty questions at the moment.

I speed walk -more like speed hop-, still in pain from the previous torture I had endured, out of the cafeteria. As I make my way down the hallway I feel a pain in my chest, it feels like my chest is being squeezed. Am I ill? I should probably get this checked out, I can't die young!

I lost my appetite so I throw the remainder of my pasta into the nearby bin. My poor food, I'm so sorry -tear tear-. My mind brings up a picture of Leo's hurt expression and the pain in my chest gets worse. What's going on? Maybe it's because I didn't eat breakfast this morning, yeah that's probably it. Coming to that conclusion, I come out of my train of thought and realize that I am in front of the library. A smile immediately appears on my face.

I step into the room inhaling the glorious scent of old books and all my worries, even the pain in my chest vanish. I love the library, people hardly come in the school library so whenever I come here I feel protected and secure. I walk up to the counter where the librarian, Ms. AppleBee, is reading a book.

" Hey, Ms.AppleBee ", I greet the mid-fifties ,greying lady, cheerfully.

"Hello dear, how are you doing?", she smiles warmly at me. Ms.AppleBee is like a grandmother to me, I always go to her for advice so maybe that's why my legs dragged me here.

"Not very good", I frown in response.

"And why's that, Angel?", Ms.AppleBee mirrors my expression, while patting the seat beside her.

"I need your advice on something", I sit down as she motions for me to continue, "I met someone. They're really nice and want to be my friend. However,I was warned that if I don't stop talking to them I'll be severely punished, what should I do?", I look down at my hands. Ms.AppleBee is the only one who knew about the bullying before Leo and she helps me through it.

"Is Brianna bothering you again?", she asks me in a motherly tone, motioning me to take off my shoes. I guess my attempt to not limp into the library failed.

"Yes", I reply cringing when I remember the time I came in the library after facing Brianna's wrath and had Ms.AppleBee patch me up just like now.

"You should make the person your friend. Even though you had been warned, it would be good if you had someone who would stand up for you", she says slightly smiling as she wraps my toe with a bandaid, "And make sure to get this toe checked".

Immediately knowing what I need to do, I shoot up from the chair hopping around as I put my shoe back on, almost falling in the process.

"Dear, be careful!", Ms.AppleBee chuckles.

"Bye! I'll come by tomorrow!", I wave and speed walk towards the door.

I exit the library but not before hearing Ms.AppleBee laugh saying, " That girl is really something".


Really needing to talk to Leo, I am the first one out of my class after the bell rings. I quickly go to my locker and put my books in my bag and limp to the exit. It has been confirmed by the school nurse, who I went to after leaving the library, that my toe was indeed fractured and my shoe isn't making it feel any better.

I sit on the bench on the sidewalk by the car park and take off my shoe. I sigh in relief as some of the pain subsides. I look around and search for the familiar face when I spot it exiting the school. 

"L-", I start to shout his name but stop short when I notice that Brianna is clinging onto his arm. Just great!

I only realize I was staring when my eyes lock with Leo's. A hurt look crosses his face but he quickly covers it up, the pain in my chest from early comes back again. Seriously, I need to get that checked. He looks away and continues his previous conversation. Should I take the risk?

"You should make this person your friend. Even though you had been warned, it would be good if you had someone who would stand up for you."   Ms.AppleBee's words replay in my head.

Maybe it is worth it.

I put back on my shoes, wincing in pain and limp over to Leo.

"Hey Leo, can I talk to you?", I ask, interrupting their conversation.

"No you can't, freak", Brianna snaps causing me to flinch. Maybe this isn't a good idea...

"Back off Brianna", Leo snaps back. To say I am shock is an understatement, my mouth falls open.

Brianna sends Leo a hurt look and me a glare before stomping her foot and storming away. Leo sighs and looks at me expectantly as I build up courage to speak again.

"U-uh..about you being my friend....can I still take up on that offer?", I ask shyly as a surprise look makes its way on Leo's face.

Will he accept me or leave me broken?


Thank you for reading another one of my chapters! :D I hope you enjoyed it! Please share,comment and vote! x3


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