Chapter Seven- I can't give up on me

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~~~~~~This chapter contains a short scene of violence~~~~~

I gulp loudly and remain silent as Queen Bee twirls one of my curls between her fingers and smiles at me devilishly before she speaks again, " Maybe I should teach you a lesson.."

Brianna yanks my hair and drags me to a deserted hallway. She pushes me onto the ground and grabs me by the collar, throwing punch after punch. My vision starts to blur with tears as the sickening sound of skin against skin echoes off the walls.

Brianna lets go of my collar and smiles at her masterpiece, "You're so pathetic"

Before I can do anything, a leg collides with my stomach causing me to roll over and cough out blood. Black spots dance in my vision as I try to crawl away.  My heart races, it becomes hard to breathe and I can't think straight. Panic courses through my veins when suddenly my leg is pulled from under my body.  I belly flop onto the floor, a groan escaping my split lips.

"I'm not done with you yet, Loser..", Queen Bee spits.

Her two minions, the Dumb Blonde and Self-Centered Brunette, come from the shadows with smirks on their faces.

"Hi, Angel", they say in unison but not in a friendly way. I know this may be a bad time but that was SO creepy...

I plead with my eyes for them not to do anything but you know that never works. They start to approach me while my eyes skim the hallway for an escape, eventually finding one. With the last of my strength, I push myself up onto my feet and sprint to the fire escape.

My shoes slap against the stairs as I descend them as fast as I can. My legs feel like they want to give out but I push myself more when I see the door to my freedom. With all of my might I push open the door and run out of the car park onto the street. The sound of voices and heels hitting the sidewalk come from behind me as cars zoom pass. I see a brick wall ahead and dive behind it, catching my breath. Brianna and her minions run past my hiding spot without noticing me so I quickly come out from behind the wall and run home in the opposite direction.


When I got home I was able to avoid my family members and any questions about my injuries. I enter my bathroom which is connected to my bedroom and look into the mirror. My lips are cracked and covered with dried blood, bruises decorate my eye,cheek and temple.  I lift up my shirt and saw a black and blue blossoming on my side. Red,puffy eyes stare back at me as tears wet my cheeks and fear invade my eyes. I strip of my clothes and stand in the shower as the warm water washes away the blood and tears off of my sore body.

I get out, dry off, wrap myself in a towel and exit the bathroom. I shrug on a long shirt and black leggings before grabbing my phone out of my bag and dialing.

"Hello?", a voice comes through the speaker.

"Hey, can you meet me at the park right now?", I ask hoarsely.


"Meet me there in fifteen minutes", I hang up, slip on a pair of boots and sneak out the house.


The sound of crickets fill the air as my curls whip across my face and my cheeks redden a little from the cold night air.  I enter the park and walk to a bench that sat before the pond.  I sit down and look out in front of me into the glistening water.  The moonlight shines down and I stare back at myself, I see all my insecurities, scars and pain.  Why couldn't I be as beautiful as Brianna so that everyone would like me?  Perfect hair,  skin , shape and size but no, I'm the ugly duckling.  I hear footsteps and turn my head to see Leo approaching me.

"Hey", I smile weakly.

"Hey", Leo smiles back, his eyes searching my face, "Are you ok?"

"Couldn't be better", I laugh bitterly.

"What happened?",  he looks at me worried.

"Why couldn't I be pretty like Brianna? Maybe then everyone would like me.  I'll have lots of friends and go to parties, not cry in self pity.  I don't know what I did to deserve this torturous life but you know what's the worst part? I actually don't hate Brianna.  I don't know why but I just can't bring myself to lash out and give her a piece of my mind.  I can't hit her or fight back , I just can't so I just take all the harsh words and beatings hoping one day it'll all end.  I can't do it anymore Leo!  I can't take another hit or word!  I can't....",  I say as a tear slides down my cheek.

"Angel you're beautiful-", Leo starts to say but I cut him off.

"There is nothing beautiful about me, Leo!  Look at me!  I'm pathetic-",  I say but this time I'm cut off by Leo.

"Just stop!  You're perfect just the way you are but you let all the lies they fed you get to your head!  I like you for you and I don't want you to change! I don't want you to be Brianna because you are better than her.  There are people that care about you but you're not gonna see that until you open your eyes and see the positive things in life.  You have to love yourself before you can love others.  You need to stand up for yourself and show them who is boss!",  he exclaims.

I look up at him through the tears that blurred my vision , "It's not that easy..."

"It is that easy, Angel",  Leo looks into my eyes, "I'll help you"

"Really?", I wipe the tears away.

"Yup.  That's what friends are for",  he smiles opening his arms," Now can I get a hug?"

"Nope", I smirk.

"Why not?",  he pouts.  It took so much out of me not to awww.  He looks so adorable.  Snap out of it, Angel!  He's trying to trick you!

"You know that doesn't works with me",  I cross my arms.  He continues to pout at me, his eyes big like a puppy's.  No Angel, don't fall for it! Don't! Don't!

"Fine..", I sigh in frustration.  He beams at me before wrapping his arms around my torso.

Just when I wanted to give up, he convinced me to keep going.


In this chapter I allowed you to see another part of Angel! :D 

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! x3




Peace out x


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