Chapter Nine- Not in the mood!

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"The baby?",  I ask as my jaw drops.

"U-uh....well..", my mom starts trying to find the right words.

"Well?",  my brother responses, growing impatient. 

"Your mom found out last week that she is two months pregnant",  my dad says, waiting for our reactions.

"Are you guys joking?",  I say, still in shock.  My parents shake their heads.

"Why didn't you tell us?", Devan asks.

"It was so unexpected that it still seems unreal for us", my mom says as she looks at her feet.

"Is it a girl or a boy?",  I ask, excitement starting to bubble in my chest.   I always wanted a younger sibling!

"We don't know.  We decided to wait to find out", my mom smiles.

"Ok everyone back to bed now, we have work and you kids have school",  my dad announces.  I look up to look at Devan and I see that he is just as excited as I am, Devan always loved children.  He smiles at me and I smile back before we all return to our rooms.


"Leo I'm happy but freaking out at the same time!  It's gonna feel so weird with another human running around in the house", I squeak as Leo and I walk down the empty hallway.

"Eh...I know the feeling. When I found out my mom was gonna have a baby girl, I literally fainted.", A pained expression crosses Leo's face but as quickly as it came it goes. Is my eyes playing tricks on me?

That's when it clicked.

"You lied to me?", I ask quietly, slightly hurt.

"What?" , Leo's eyebrows furrow in confusion.

"I thought you told me you didn't have any siblings", I reply. Anger start to course through my veins as I wait for an answer but none came, " Why didn't you just tell me? It's not like it's a big deal! What else did you lie to me about?"

I know it is probably a stupid thing to get mad over but seriously, why couldn't he just be honest? I tell him everything so why isn't he returning the favor?

"You don't know anything so drop it!", Leo snaps.

"I don't know anything because you wouldn't tell me!", I exclaim, my anger going up a notch.

"Maybe I don't want to tell you! Did you ever think about that?", Leo says harshly causing me to flinch back in suprise. I'm not used to Leo being so quick tempered, if anything I'm the hot head and he is the chill one.

I open my mouth to speak but didn't have time to squeak a word before Leo turns on his heels and storms away. What in the world is going on? I get that maybe I was a little too harsh but geez. After debating whether to follow Leo or give him his own space I march to class in a bad mood, leaving Leo alone.


Classes roll by painfully slow without my partner in crime and by the time the bell rings for lunch my mood is spoilt beyond repair. I slowly drag myself to my locker, place my books inside and slam the door to release some of my frustration. I feel the eyes of many burning into my back but I don't have enough energy to care. However, when the sound of high heels clicking against the tiled floor and the scent of expensive, intoxicating perfume meet my senses I know this isn't gonna end well.

"Hey Angel", Queen Bee says. I turn around with a non-caring, tired look instead of one with fear which surprises her but she quickly composes herself. To be honest, the normal Angel White would be cowering into a corner but today is just not the day.  

"What can I help you with, Brianna?", I spit.

"Oooh someone got confidence overnight", Brianna smirks.

"I'm sorry but I don't have time and will never have time for your crap so move", I bite back while gasps ring through the hallway.

"Excuse me?", Brianna's face slowly reddens with rage.

"You're excused, but next time you might not want to make it so obvious that you cracked the cheese, Hun", I fake smile, some of the students who crowded around trying to hold in their laughter.  

"W-What did you just say?", Brianna stutters in shock and fury.

I sigh, " Do you mind moving? I have better things to do than to talk to you"

"Who do you think your talking to?", she screeches in her high pitch voice, making my ears want to bleed.

"Hmm...your not as smart as I thought you were Brianna. Even a three year old would know the answer to that", Laughter erupts around me, also did more gasps of shock.

Angel are you trying to get yourself killed?

Well it not like I have much of a life anyway.

"You little brat!", Brianna grabs my hair. I tug my hair free from her grasp only to be clawed in the face with her abnormally long nails, I hiss in response.

Angel don't fight back just walk away.

With that thought in mind, I quickly grab my bag and exit the school.


I angrily stomp to the center of the garden and flop onto the ground. I groan in frustration as the urge to pull out my hair becomes more tempting. First, Leo is mad at me , then I spoke back to Brianna and now I haven't eaten lunch!

A sudden movement in the trees pull me out of my thoughts. Is it a bear? No idiot, no bears live here, it's an island for crying out loud! Then is it a serial killer??? Omg, I can't die! I'm too young ! I'm not married yet, don't have a boyfriend or had my first kiss! How could life be so cruel!

"Hellooo.....Anyone want to taste a piece of my ninja skills...?", my voice shakes in greeting. I mean, let's be real. How do you talk to a serial killer?!

" think you have what it takes to really hurt me...?", a low voice comes from behind. I freeze in fear, trying to will my body to work again so that I could turn around and see who it is.

"I bet you couldn't hurt a fly....", the voice sounds again.

Turn around! Turn around!

Finally after a battle with my body, I turn around.


Who could it be? '0' Hehe I can't tell ya c; yet...

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