Chapter Twenty- Carrot Picking

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~Omg I can't believe I forgot! Please forgive me kaylaw_1234! Here is my dedication to you for your support and I hope you and everyone else will continue to support me! It means a lot to me :'D Thank you all for getting me to 2000 reads! Omg! Please help to my next goal of 3000 reads and share this story! :3 Enjoy x3~

"Stephanie? That Stephanie?", I ask with wide eyes.

"Well, I am Stephanie but I'm not sure what you mean by that Stephanie", Stephanie chuckles softly.

"You know who I am?"

"Yes...You're Angel...", Stephanie looks at me strangely.

"How do you know that?"

"You're my best friend duh! You look exactly the same you did before!"



I then remember the magazine that dropped on the ground so I motion for Stephanie to wait a minute with my hand before picking it up. I dust of it off and turn back to her.

"What's that?", Stephanie ask curiously.

"Oh, it's a food magazine", I tell her as I show her the cover of the magazine.

"A food magazine? Why read a food magazine?", she looks amused.

"I love food, plus food distracts me and I need a distraction right now", I mumble. Doesn't she remember my love for food or did she forget? She probably did.

"Why do you need a distraction? Did something happen? Are you okay?", Stephanie asks me with a concern look.

"I'm fine, it's nothing", I smile weakly.

It's anything but nothing. I had a nightmare last night about my flashback. The scene played over and over and the laughs got louder, it was horrifying to say the least. I could have told Stephanie that but I just met her. Besides, how do I know if she is really Stephanie and can I really trust her?

"If you say so", Stephanie replies, hesitantly.

"So..How have you been?", I change the topic, putting the magazine in my bag.

"I-", she begins before someone cuts her off.

"Sugar Plums!", shouts a voice. I turn around to see Leo walking towards me with a broad smile which I return.

"Leo-boo! Hurry and come!", I reply, motioning for him to hurry. When he finally does make it to us, which felt like a thousand years later since this boy walks like a snail but anyway, I introduce Leo to Stephanie. He just simply nods in acknowledgement looking a little confused. I wonder why.

"A-Anyways I gotta go to class", Stephanie puts a strand of hair behind her ear as she bats her lashes at Leo, her cheeks turning pink. Do I need glasses? Because my sight must be bad.

Wow, nice one Angel because you are so not wearing glasses.

Yeah yeah, whatever inside, talking person who I call myself.

I come out of my thoughts to see that Stephanie is now long gone and Leo is watching me with an amused expression.

"What?", I ask, not sure why he is looking at me like that.

"What are you thinking about?", he chuckles lightly.

"O-oh nothing", I wave it off before starting to walk to class. However, before I can get too far something pulls me back. I look over my shoulder just as Leo takes off my glasses. I look at him oddly as he cleans my glasses with the hem of his shirt, giving them back to me carefully.

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