Chapter Fourteen- I'll just find out everything myself

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~Omg I finally made it to 1000 reads! I wouldn't have gotten this far without you! Thank you all for your support :D! Love ya!  -gives out cupcakes and cookies-  Now to the story x3~ if a puzzle isn't complete and a part of the puzzle includes a old memory, does that mean that I forgot things from my past?!

That doesn't make any sense though....the memory was probably a movie scene I remembered at that moment or something.  If that is so, why is Leo always saying the words 'you remember' all the time though?  Nothing is making sense!  If I had forgotten something my parents would have told me, right?  I think that caramel apple is getting to my head.  

Coming out of my thoughts, I come back face to face with  Leo, who is still in his thoughts.  Could he really be the little boy? I could be wrong. 

I poke him in the forehead trying to knock him out of his own tiny world and back in to reality.  He's been stuck like this for what seem like ten minutes now.  However,  he doesn't even flinch at my touch.  What in the world is going on in his head?  I repeatedly poke him for at least five more times before huffing out a breath of frustration and storming over to the nearby cafe.

I push open the glass door, being greeted by a homey feeling and the strong scent of coffee before walking to the counter.  After waiting for the two people ahead of me to get their order, it's finally my turn.

"How may I help you?", the chirpy teenager, behind the cashier register,asks.

"I'll have a cup of hot chocolate and a bottle of water to go please", I reply to her.

The cashier quickly gets to work on my order, while I drum my hands against the counter, looking outside a glass window. It's getting  dark, I need to get home soon.  Finally, I get my order and pay before heading back to Leo.

When I reach the bench, Leo is still out of it.  Ok, I have to do something about this because it is really starting to freak me out.  He just sitting there staring ahead, not blinking with his brows furrowed.  Aren't his eyeballs dry by now?  I stand directly in front of him and stoop to his eye level, waving my hand in his face.   I try snapping my fingers, shouting in his ears and even slapping him upside his head!  What in the world is going on in that damn brain of his?!

My attempt at pinching him is the last stray when I realize that my hot chocolate is now cold.  I unscrew the cap of the water bottle, about to take a sip when I get a better idea.  Standing beside Leo now, I turned the water bottle upside down above his head.  It's still very cold.

Leo yelps in shock and visibly shakes from the cold water coming into contact with his skin.  It worked!  However, he is  now drenched from head to toe.    

"Done daydreaming now?", I raise an eyebrow at him, hands on my hips.

"I wasn't daydreaming", Leo replies moving his hair out of his eyes, which is sticking to his face.

"Right...because staring out to space without blinking or flinching after abuse isn't daydreaming", I roll my eyes.

 "I'm not even gonna ask"

"Good idea", I say before tugging on his arm to pull him up," Come on, it's getting late and you need to change before you get sick"


Heaps of dirty clothes is what I am greeted by when I walk in.  It literally made my mouth drop.  How can someone live like this?!

Ok, let's rewind a little.  Just a little:

Since I drenched Leo, we are going to his house to let him change before he takes me home.  During the whole car ride, Leo is still pretty distant and silent and my thoughts keep drifting to the flashback.  

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