Chapter Forty-One - Knight In Shining Armor

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I walk around to the side of the house, where I know Leo's bedroom window will be. I pick up a pebble off the ground and throw it at the window. After five epic fails, a stone finally comes into contact with the glass of the window as a triumphant smile graces my face. A soft thud is heard but no movement towards the window. I wait for a few minutes but Leo doesn't come to the window. I really hope he isn't ignoring me because I ignored him. I throw another pebble and it hits the window. However, after a few minutes inside the room is still dark and no one comes to the window. I sigh in defeat and walk away from Leo's house dejectedly. Well, what did I expect? I'm such a total idiot for not letting him explain. I should've learned by now that I can't just make assumptions but I can't seem to. I keep walking aimlessly as I think of all the reasons why he wouldn't come to the window. Even though there is a possibility that he is ignoring me, I doubt it. What sense does it make to ignore me if he tried to talk to me all this time. Well, he could of gotten tired of trying. That is true but I still doubt it. I kick a pebble with my foot as I look up from the ground to see where I am. My breathe hitches in my throat as my eyes travel along the moonlit entrance of the park.  I feel my chest tighten as the memory of that night flashes back to me.  I squeeze my eyes shut and shake my head trying to get the memory out of my head.  He can't hurt you anymore, Angel.   I take a deep breathe and with shaky legs enter the park.  The only way to get rid of these nightmares are to face them.  

I walk towards the bench that Leo and I use to hang out on and see a figure sitting there.  I stop and squint, trying to see who that person may be.  Not many people come here so I'm surprised.  I take cautious steps towards the bench and continue squinting my eyes until I recognize who it is.  Leo.  I run the rest of the way to the bench and wrap my arms around him in a hug from the back.

"I'm so sorry", I whisper as my eyes start to fill up with tears.

"Angel?",  Leo asks in surprise.  If I were in his shoes, I probably wouldn't have been as persistent as him or as patient.  I can see why we mesh so well, if there were two of me in this friendship it wouldn't have lasted long.  

"I should've given you a chance to explain, I'm so sorry", I bury my face in his neck as sobs leave my mouth. 

"It's okay", Leo coos as he gets up from the bench and turns around, pulling me into his chest.

"It's not", my voice cracks as I lift up my head to look at him, "I'm such an idiot, I know your not that kind of person but yet I went along and treated you like a dog"

"You're not stupid, you're just stubborn", Leo lets out an airy laugh as he looks down at me, his eyes sparkling in the moonlight.

"It's not funny", I say but I can't help but crack a smile," Why did you do it?"

"Do what?"

"Get stab for me?"

"I guess you remember," I nod at his words," I did it because you're an important person to me and I would do anything for you"

My cheeks warm up as butterflies flutter in my stomach, "What exactly happened before the incident occurred, that caused you to go along with Roger's plan?"

Leo's face becomes expressionless, " Let's sit, this might take a while"

We sit down on the bench and I wait patiently for Leo to gather his thoughts.

"My father use to abuse my mother and I on a daily bases.  He would break bones in our bodies, drill fear into our hearts and do anything to make us unhappy.  Before when I was younger, he had a great relationship with my mother but I guess the love just evaporated", Leo finally starts as he looks ahead at the pond," A few hours before the party, he threatened me.  He said he would kill my mother if I don't help him.  At first I wanted to decline because both you and my mother, I hold very close to my heart.  I knew he was serious and I knew if I said no, he wouldn't hesitate going through with his threat.  I asked him if he would kill you and he said no,that he just wants to give your parents a scare.  However, when I saw him start to swing the bat, I knew that he was going for the kill so I got in the way to throw him off  so that if he does manage to hit you, it wouldn't be as hard of a blow and you would survive.  I wasn't expecting to get stabbed but it was worth it.  There is also something I lied about"

My heart breaks as Leo speaks, I don't even know how to feel.  So many emotions are just swimming around in me and all I can do is silently cry for him.  Now, I don't regret shooting that man, I'm quite glad I did it.  He would have killed us if I didn't kill him.

"What is it?", I ask after Leo pauses, taking a deep breathe.  

He looks at me, him cheeks shining with tears in the moonlight, "My baby sister didn't die because of the card wrapping around her neck, she died because my father killed her"

"What?", my eyes widen in shock.

"After my sister was given birth to my father went in to visit her with me.  My mother went to the bathroom, leaving my father, sister and I alone.  He wrapped his hands around her neck and strangled her right in front of me.  He told me not to tell anyone or I would be next.  My father called the nurse and said that my sister just suddenly stopped breathing so when my mother came back, she saw the baby surrounded by nurses and a doctor, trying to revive her. My father killed her to make me fearful of him, to tell me not to mess with him.  That's how I knew his threat was serious", By the time he is finished speaking, Leo's head is in his hands as he sobs loudly.  His torso drops down gently on my lap as his tears soak my jeans.  With tears also running down my cheeks, I silently I run my hands through his hair in a comforting gesture.

There is another question that I want to ask but I know Leo has said all he can for today. I wanted to ask who found him but I guessed that my parents did, the same time they found me and helped him. In such dim lightening they most likely couldn't see his face properly and recognize him.

Every time I look at Leo now, I will see the scar on his chest that reminds me of that time.  The time my knight in shining armor got stabbed to protect me. 


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