Chapter Nineteen- Drooling Over Food Is My New Hobby

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~Image of Angel above!~

~I'll like to dedicate this chapter to DiaraSpringer and rohsgre. Thank you for the support! :D~

~Mystery P.O.V:

"Did you just say bring in Stephanie?!", a voice booms through the cave before my boss enters the room.

"S-sir", I bow in acknowledgement.  I can feel myself shaking in my shoes.

"Bringing Stephanie would make that girl remember everything, you nut!", my boss exclaims slapping me upside my head.

"J-Just trust me on this one, s-sir", I stutter out as I rub the now sore spot on my head.

"You better know what you are doing or you're a dead man", he hisses with venom before walking away.

I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding before loosening my tie, looking at the computer on my desk.  This plan better work how I want it.

~Angel's P.O.V:

I push away from Leo as I stare at him in shock.  He is the trigger?  But why him? Who was that girl in my flashback?  Why was it blurry?  More questions keep invading my mind as I stare at Leo.  

"Angel, are you ok?", Leo asks me in concern.

"Y-you", I point my finger at him still in shock.

"What about me?", he looks at me confused.

I look behind Leo to see Brianna looking at me with a blank expression.  What does she have to do with my flashbacks?  Just then her phones rings and the same expression of sorrow she had the first time I saw her talking on the phone, falls on her face.  Brianna excuses herself before walking off.

"Angel?", Leo calls, snapping me out of my daze.

I look back at him with big eyes, "Let's talk later"

I quickly run off following Brianna's tracks. I see her walking towards the bathroom as I run around the corner. I quickly enter the bathroom just as girls flood out of the bathroom, to see Brianna facing the wall next to the sinks, with the phone to her ear.  Brianna probably scared everyone out, usually it's packed in here at lunch.

"No,no that's fine", she whispers.

"Ok I got it, bye", she hangs up.

Brianna turns around looking at the floor before sliding down the wall to sit on the ground. Her lip trembles as her hands move up to cover her face. Her soft sobs echo through the bathroom as I stand there not knowing what to do. Before I know it, I walk up to her and squat to her level feeling my own tears falling. When I see people cry I cry too, it's like I feel their pain, no matter who they are and how they treat me. No one deserves to be unhappy. I hug her shaking body and surprisingly she returns the hug.  I rub her back soothingly, not asking anything, as her tears soak my shirt and my tears soak hers.

"I-I can't do it anymore, Carter", she hiccups. Carter? She thinks I'm Carter? I don't even feel or smell like a boy.  How does a boy smell exactly, though?

As I'm about to tell her I'm not Carter she speaks again," It hurts, it's so bad. I don't know how much more I can take..."

"I'm not Carter", I say softly, respecting the fact that she clearly had a secret to tell, but not to me.

Brianna quickly pulls away from me, staring at me horrified, " What are you doing here?!"

"I didn't hear anything important", I sigh.

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