Chapter Fifteen- Rio? Ya Right!

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When I said I'll find out everything on my own, I wasn't kidding.  I think I know just where to start my search.  

I walk up the stairs of my house before unlocking the front door and entering.  It's around 8:30 pm by now so my parents should be awake still.  I drop my handbag by the door, take off my shoes and tiredly walk towards my parents' bedroom.  

I walked for about thirty minutes just to get home after my outburst with Leo.  If I said my legs don't hurt I would be lying.  I do walk to school, but there is something call a bus to take me most of the way, besides I don't have to look over my shoulder every ten seconds to make sure no one is going to come and kidnap me!  

Even though I'm really tired and all I want to do is sleep right now, I know I won't be able to have a wink of sleep with all these questions swirling in my head.  

I knock on my parents' bedroom door and open it when I hear a voice telling me to come in.  My mom and dad are on the bed, one on a laptop and the other reading a book.

"Hey, honey.  Where did you go?", my mom is the first to speak, moving the laptop from in front her swelled stomach to beside her.

"I went to the carnival with my friend Leo.  Didn't you see when he came in?",  I ask, scrunching up my eyebrows in question.

"No, I didn't.  I was at the supermarket because there was nothing to eat",  she replies.

"Oh, I let him in", my dad says absent-mindedly,  clearly very into his book.

"You let a strange boy into the house and trusted him with Angel?", my mom ask, surprised.  My dad is very protective.  Don't get me wrong, my mom is too, but my dad just takes it to another level.   Like the time when I wanted to go on a ferris wheel at an amusement park, my dad said I can't because I would fall off and break my neck and being the eight year old I was, I believed him and just settled for a corn dog instead. 

"It was Leo, that Leo", he whispers to my mom but I still pick it up.  My mom mouth shapes into an 'o' at a realization.

"Since when did he come back?" , my mom whispers back.

"What do you mean by that Leo?", I ask, ignoring my mother's question since I'm not sure I heard her correctly.

"I said....", my father thinks for a minute before finishing his sentence, " Rio, that Rio!"

I guess bad liars run in our family..

"Really...? Who is Rio?", I cross my arms.

"A character in my book", my father smiles nervously at me.

"Sure...", I drawl, not convinced but let it slide.  However, I can't help but wonder what he meant.

"I need your help", I say.

"With?", my mom questions.

"With my past"

"Your past? What about it?", my dad speaks this time, curious.

"My forgotten past.  I wanna know what I forgot and how I lost my memory", I respond while my parents' faces pale.

"Are you guys ok? You look a little pale",  I ask after I get no response, a little concerned at their reaction.

"How do you know about that?", my mom asks, her face turns serious.

I sit down on the bed in front of them and tell them about the flashback and the mind puzzles.  Their surprised faces don't go unnoticed.

"How...?", my mom says, more to herself than to us.

"That incident was two years ago...How?",  my father looks at my mother as he speaks.

"What are you talking about?",  I question, feeling like the odd one out.

"You have seen so many teddy bears in your life, what is different now?", my mom whispers to herself as a calculated look falls on her face.

"Excuse me!", I exclaimed, getting their attention instantly, "Anyone care to tell me what you are talking about?"

"I wish I never had to talk about this again...", my mom shakes her head sadly before speaking, "You forgot some of your memories two years ago, when you were 15.  However, not all of your memories were lost, which the doctors found strange.  Only patches of your childhood were gone and some left."

"How did I lose my memories?", I lean forward in anticipation.

"We don't know..... I remember we were at a party, but not just any party, the whole neighborhood was there.  Your dad and I were getting something to eat when you said you needed to go to the restroom.  I told you to be careful and to find someone to go with you, like your aunt or someone before you went.  We ate and everything, but you still hadn't come back so I thought maybe you were talking to someone you knew.  Hours past and you still didn't come back, that's when we started to get concerned.  We started looking for you, we even asked people if they saw you and everyone said no.  We found you eventually by the trash but you were unconscious.  You were covered in dirt, your hair coated in blood and a pool of blood surrounded your head."

I remain silent as tears usher their way to my mother's eyes before she takes a deep breath and continues,"  We immediately took you to the hospital.  The impact to your head was so bad that you went in a coma for six weeks.  When you woke up, you were shaking like a leaf and there was so much fear in your eyes it was frightening.   When the doctor came to check on you after calling him, he asked you questions like what is your best friend's name and so forth, some you were unable to answer.  However, you remembered your name, your family, address and other general details like things you like to do.  He realized that you had  forgotten some of your memories because of trauma, but not all."

My mom hiccups and lets a tear slide down her face, memories of that day flooding her brain.  The day is so vivid in her mind that I can almost see everything through her eyes.  

Knowing my mother is too heartbroken to continue, my dad does in her place, "  The doctors found it strange that you still remembered some things from your past and hadn't forgotten them all.  People usually lose all their memory.  He said that your memory would take sometime to recover fully.  A year past and you still didn't get back your memories.  We felt something was wrong, so we took you to get checked again, but all they said was to give it some more time so we did.  You never remembered anything until today."

By the time he finishes my mom is sobbing on his shoulder as he rubs her back soothingly and I'm still silent, frozen in shock.

After opening and closing my mouth like a fish a million times trying to find the right words, I finally speak up ,"So no one saw or found out what happened?"

"The police tried to find the person behind everything but never did.  We asked around and so did the police but no one saw anything", my mom whispers hoarsely.

"The only person who knows what happened is me..I just have to remember", I say to myself softly.

"How do I remember my past?", I ask.

"Find the trigger", my dad responds, seriousness in his voice.

Find the trigger?


Here's another chapter! :O Two chapters in one week! Ya'll better love me for this xD!   So how was it? Leave your thoughts in the comments or even give me a vote on this chapter if  you liked it :3 

Remember, it's not what you wear, it's how you wear it x3

Have an awesome week, see ya Friday! :3

-Peace out x

~ Gabzzz


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