Chapter Six- Piggyback ride leads to my death?

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My alarm rings on my bedside table. Ugh! It can't be morning already, why does school have to start so early?! I slowly sit up in my bed, my eyes half-lidded, wanting to pull out my hair because of the annoying beeping. I slam my hand on the clock to stop the alarm and drag myself to the bathroom to get ready for school.

After getting ready I look at my reflection. There I stood wearing a grey sweater, light blue jeans and grey slip ons. Big, black, nerdy glasses frame my half-lidded eyes and my curls fall lump on my shoulders. My eyes travel to my bandaged toe and I frown.

Ooooohhhh, what's that yummy smell...? I sniff the air. BACON! A smile slowly grows on my face.

I limp downstairs as fast as I can and go to the kitchen just in time to see my mom putting pancakes and bacon on plates. My mom is absolutely gorgeous.  She has wavy,jet black hair, green eyes, a lean body and high cheekbones that I would die for. Unfortunately, the only feature I got from my mother is her hair and my brother got everything else. Why do boys always get the good features? Especially long eyelashes that we girls struggle to grow? It's so unfair!!

"Morning", I say distracted by the mouth-watering meal before me. What can I say? I just love my food.

"Good morning, Honey. How's your toe?", my mom beams at me while handing me a plate.

"A little better",I say as I go to the fridge, pull out the pancake syrup and drown my pancakes.

"That's too much syrup! Your gonna get diabetes if you don't be careful!", my mom looks at my meal in disgust.

"Eh'', I look at my mom amused.

"Good morning", says a low voice grumpily behind me. I turn my head around to see my dad now entering the kitchen looking like the walking dead. My father has straight, dark brown hair, blue eyes and wears glasses. People say I look like my father and I can't agree with them more. My dad, brother and I are not morning people. However, once there is food my grumpiness is cured but there is no cure for my father and brother but to stay out their way. The last time I tried to ask my father something when he had just woken up, this is what happened:

"Morning", my dad said sleepily.

I stopped eating and ran to my dad," Morning dad, I was wondering...", I fiddled with my fingers, making my best puppies eyes," Could I get a new phone?"

"What! You failed your History test?! You're grounded young lady!", my dad exclaimed with anger. I stood there with a confused look on my face, I didn't even have a test.

"I-", I tried to speak but was interrupted.

"No excuses!", my father's finger was now in my face. I mouth fell open in disbelief.

The good old times...

"Good morning", my mom and I say together in greeting. My father makes his way to his breakfast and sips his coffee trying to wake up more.

"Where is that boy?", my mom asks referring to Devan before starting to eat her breakfast too.

"Probably still sleeping", I roll my eyes.

"DEVAN GET YOUR LAZY BACKSIDE DOWN HERE THIS INSTANT BEFORE I COME UP THERE FOR YOU! I PROMISE YOU WILL NOT LIKE IT!", my mom shouts, a little irritated. Trust me,my mom can be sweet and all but never cross the line. She becomes scarier than Brianna herself. A few seconds later, a fearful,wide-eyed Devan comes running into the kitchen.

"I'm up!", Devan pants causing me to chuckle.

"Good morning", my dad,mom and I said in unison amused. I look at the clock that is on the kitchen wall and realize I am late.

"I gotta go! See ya!", I quickly grab the rest of my bacon, pick up my school bag and run out the house, quickly regretting it when a sharp pain shoots through my leg, " Crap!"


I am slowly walking into the school being careful not hurt my toe again when I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn with smile when I saw it is my new friend, Leo.

"Good morning", I beam.

"Hey, how's your toe?", Leo smiles.

"A little better, I guess", I shrug.

"What subject do you have?"

"Art", I stop walking and stare horrified at Leo. Oh.My.Gosh.

"What?", Leo looks at me confused.

"I have to walk up two flights of stairs", my face pales.

"So?", Leo asks still confused until my eyes travel to my bandaged foot,"Ohhhhhhhh".


"I got an idea", Leo smirks.

"What..?", I ask cautiously , scared to figure out what his brilliant idea is.

"Get on", he stoops down motioning for me to get on his back.

"There is no way I'm gonna get on your back!", I exclaim.

"Well, you'll just miss class because you couldn't make it all the way up the stairs", he shrugs before starting to walk away.

Just before he turns the corner I shout,"Leo wait!"

"Yes?", he looks at me trying not to smile.

"Fine, I'll get on", I mumble. The thought of missing class and facing my mother's wrath is not very appealing plus I have an assignment to hand in. When will this school get elevators?!

"Say that again?", he smirks.

"I'll get on", I hiss trying not to draw attention to myself.

Leo walks back in my direction and stoops down allowing me to get on his back.  After a moment of hesitation I sigh and got on.

"Geez, you sure are heavier than you look" Leo says starting to walk, getting a glare in reply.

"It was your idea not mine", I blush in embarrassment when I notice everyone is looking at us with shock evident on their faces. I hide behind my curtain of curls but don't miss the glare that Brianna is sending me.

What did I get myself into?


(2 weeks later)

With my now healed toe, I make my way to my locker after school while excitement bubbles inside me.

"Well aren't we happy today", Leo chuckles.

"I got eighty percent on my Geography test! Geography! My worst subject!", I jump up and down shoving my test in his face.

"I'm impressed", he smiles.

"I can't believe it!", I smile back while Leo looks at his watch.

"I gotta go, I have an appointment. I'll see ya tomorrow", he waves and runs off.

"Bye", I shout after him with a wave.

I get my books out of my locker and start to make my way to the exit. Hmm...I haven't seen Brianna for a while now, not that I'm complaining.

"Finally your alone", says a voice from my left. Speak of the devil. I stop dead in my tracks.

"H-hi Brianna", I smile weakly. I get it now...all these weeks I hanged out with Leo so she waited for her prey to be alone to attack. In this case, I'm the prey. I shudder in fear.

"I thought I warned you to leave Leo alone...", she approaches  me slowly, I freeze," I guess your not as smart as you may seem".

I gulp loudly and remain silent as Queen Bee twirls one of my curls between her fingers and smiles at me evilly before she speaks again, " Maybe I should teach you a lesson.."



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