Chapter Twenty-Five- Red Cheeks

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~Angel's P.O.V

I hear people shouting from behind me but I ignore it since it's none of my business anyways. However, Stephanie stops talking to look back then looks back at me before snapping her head back sharply to the scene behind again. I raise a brow at her behavior before looking back too. What I see makes me take in a sharp breath. Brianna and Leo are hugging? So he ditch me to hang out with her?

The pain in my chest suffocates me and a hurt expression falls on my face. I throw the rest of the ice-cream on the ground, pick up my bag, tell Stephanie that I have to go and run off. Tears stream down my face and blur my vision. He knows how much Brianna hurts me, he knows! I don't mind him having other friends besides me but why her?!

I slow down into a walk as the pain becomes too much. He ditched me for Brianna...but then again why am I so surprised? Brianna can have anything and any boy she wants in a blink of an eye. I guess I just never thought that Leo would fall for her. A sob leaves my throat as my house comes into view. I open the door and go to the fridge to get the ice pack for my cheek. I place the ice pack on my cheek before turning around and letting out a startled scream, dropping it.

"Leo?", I say, squinting my eyes while the person laughs their guts out.

"You should of seen your face. Priceless!", Leo holds his stomach as his eyes water and his face turns red.

"What are you doing here?!",I exclaim before I can stop myself.

Leo immediately sobers up and raises an eyebrow at my behavior, "What's got your panties in a knot?"

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe the fact that you ditched me for Brianna!", my hands shake with anger.

"Ditched you?", Leo looks at me confused.

"Don't act like you don't know!"

"I really don't know what your talking about"

"Really? So you also wouldn't know about you hanging out with Brianna, leaving me on that bench for the longest time worried that something happened to you!"


"You know how she hurts me Leo! You know how I feel being around her! You know how much she hates my guts!"


"I can't believe that knowing what she does to me you still befriended her to let her have a better chance of getting close to me!", I fling my arms around in disbelief.

"She isn't as bad as you think!", Leo shouts back at me.

"So now your defending her?!"

"Yes because you know nothing about her!"

"I do know that she hates my guts and I'm sorry to say it but she is a bad apple!"

"Judging her so easily you are just as bad as her!"

I prepare to answer back but stop when I comprehend what he just said. A guilty look falls on Leo's face.

"Angel, I didn't mean to say that-", Leo approaches me as he apologizes.

Tears fill my eyes as I stare at him with hurt evident on my face before whispering " Get out"


"GET OUT!", I scream at the top of my lungs as sobs leave my throat.

"Angel please-", Leo tries to hug me but I push him away causing him to stumble a little.

"GET OUT!", I shout again holding my chest as tears flow even faster. I slide down the cupboards and sit on the ground as I hear the front door slam shut. I pull my knees to my chest as my loud sobs bounce off the walls of the house. How could he! I'm just as bad as her?! I judge her too easily?! So what am I suppose to think after being beaten for no reason! What am I suppose to think after being embarrassed and insulted!

I lie down on the kitchen floor not having enough energy to get up and cry myself to sleep.


After that day I have been avoiding Leo, his explanations and his calls. Brianna passed me smirks and smug looks when Leo sat next to her at lunch and talked to her in the hallway. I stuck with Stephanie and hung out with her. We have become very close and without a doubt I'm sure she is my past best friend. She knows me better than myself and have the same taste as me in clothes and music. Beside her being a vegetarian, she and I are almost the same.

I enter school and put my stuff in my locker before heading to class. I sit down in my usual seat and tap my fingers while waiting for our teacher to come. A note suddenly appears on my desk. I unfold it and read what it says: Meet me in the garden at lunch.

I look up from the piece of paper and find Leo staring at me. I look away quickly and ball up the note carelessly putting it in my pocket. Our teacher comes in and class starts.


Should I go? Should I not go? Should I go ? Should I not go?

I sat on the bench in front of school picking the petals off of a flower trying to make my decision. Maybe I should go and see why he wants to meet. When I get there Leo is standing right in the middle. He probably heard my footsteps because he automatically turns around. I continue to walk towards him, avoiding his eyes until I'm only three feet away.

"Angel I'm sorry-", Leo starts.

"Is that all you wanted to say?", I raise a brow before turning to leave. Leo grabs my elbow pulling me into his arms. My cheeks heat up and my heartbeat speeds up as his arms wrap themselves around my torso.

"Just listen", Leo whispers. I nod slowly against his shoulder.

"I know who Stephanie is", he continues as my eyes widen," It's the girl with the brown hair from your flashback"

"It's Brianna...", I finish the sentence off for him as disbelief drips from my voice.


Ok...I know it was a really short chapter but yeah..... xD I hope you enjoyed it! Tell me what you think in the comments and hit that vote button/ star.

Remember it's not what you wear, it's how you wear it! :3

See ya next time!

-Peace out x



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