Chapter Thirty-Eight - Gun Shots

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Leo betrayed me. Those three words, as sharp as a knife, stab me over and over in my heart.  So many emotions swirl in me, disappointment, sadness, disbelief, anger and more.  However, the one that stands out most is the how betrayed I feel.  I trusted Leo, I opened up to him and now I find out that he helped the man who tried to kill me.  I even started to like him more than I should.   I can't cry, I just feel numb as my inner self tries to put back the pieces of my heart together but it is like Humpty Dumpty.  It can't be put back together again.  I just stare at Leo, hurt and disbelief evident on my face.  As much as I want to scream and shout at him, I can't.  I all I can do is stare at him, my body and mind in shock.  Leo looks back at me, regret in his eyes.

"Angel-", he starts but I cut him off.

"I-I can't believe you", my voice cracks , the tears that didn't come before now falling," How could you?"


"How could you?!", I sob, my eyes closed tight and my heart aching.  How could he?  I look at Leo,  spasms occurring on his face as tears pool up in his eyes.  I have only seen Leo cry once and that was when he told me about his little sister.  I want to believe there is a reason behind his doing but I can't find it in my heart to do so, at least not right now.  My trust in him is now crumbled into nothing and it's going to take a whole lot for me to ever trust him again.

I look away and look down at my lap as a fresh set of emotions crash down on me causing a weak whimper to leave my mouth.  Tears just flood out constantly and my sobs echo off the cave walls. 


~Leo's P.O.V

My whole body stiffens as my father steps closer to Angel telling her to try to remember who the person from the shadows was. I know I should of told her but I couldn't bring myself to, I knew it would damage our close relationship. I also knew that she would remember sometime soon but I tried to hold it off for as long as I could, now the time has come for her to know. To know that I'm that person. I watch Angel, my chest tightening, as a distant look appears on her face and my father smirks at me. My father never liked me from the time I was born. He abused me and my mother and then used Angel to break me more than I was already broken. I regret that day so much but I don't regret the decisions I made, everything I did wasn't for myself but for my mother and Angel. I just hope she would forgive me and give me a chance to explain, a chance to make things right. I hold her very close to my heart and to let her go is too much to bare. Angel opens her eyes with disbelief and hurt on her face, it tears me apart as she stares at me. I'm surprised my mother hasn't said anything yet because I never told her about that day, I never told anyone, I guess she knows I did it for a reason and bit back her tongue until it's the right time to ask. I open my mouth and start to speak but Angel cuts me off and tears run down her cheeks. Every word leaving her mouth makes my heart chip away a little more and a lump forms in my throat. I try my best to hold down my sobs as her words stabs me right in the heart. Her cries echo off the walls and I look at my mother. She looks at me and searches my face, my face telling her all she needs know and she wiggles her hand out of rope and squeezes my hand in a comforting gesture. Tears silently fall from my eyes as I look at Angel and then look around me. Everyone looks at me disappointedly but I just turn my focus back on Angel, who's sobs now turn to soft sniffs. If that night happened again I would do the same thing again.


~Angel's P.O.V

"Enough with tears", Roger hollers as my sobs become soft sniffs and I become numb once again," I realized something, you guys know my identity so I'm going to have to kill you"

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