44 - RANT #7

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okay so guess what today i'm gonna be talking about something that pisses me off

i hate it when people complain about bands being in the 'wrong' genre

i've talked about stuff like this before but idc

genres? they don't exist. they're made up by people who can't deal with loving different types of music. they're not categories that all music must follow.

music is fucking art. there's not a definition of art. art is whatever we perceive it to be.

we put artists in a box of expectations and expect them to be okay with that. guess what - some of them arent okay with that.

so you go ahead and complain that 5sos are fucking up pop punk forever and continue to blog about mcr but just know: you're being just as bad as the people you're complaining about.

genres dont exist. the sooner we realise this, the sooner all fandoms get along. bands don't have to conform to one genre stereotype, they sound however they fucking want. its not your business, my business or anyone else's business to tell them what they are and aren't.

i like listening to fall out boy, and twenty øne piløts but my favourite playlist also contains taylor swift and troye sivan. all music is the same at the end of the day: a collection of well thought-out noises that join together in harmony.

and just to remind you again: genres don't exist.

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