q&a!!!...the a part

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what are your biggest pet peeves? ugh i have loads - loud chewing, slow walkers, people who are obnoxious and just so many others

if you had to choose one band to listen to for the rest of your life, who would it be? I CANT ANSWER THIS I *explodes*

comments on queens vs directioners? i don't know exactly who queens are but i'm assuming its tyler okaley's fandom? i prefer to stay out of all that at this point :)

if you had only one thing to have for the rest of your life, what would it be? honestly, my phone just due to the fact i have all of my favourite albums and artists loaded up on it!! (besides my family and stuff. of course i'd be with my family if we're not talking objects.)

- when is your birthday? 24th of septmber

- favourite hobby? besides listening to music, i draw a lot

- favourite song rn? i'm currently loving all of the album by twenty øne piløts vessel even though i've been listening to it for a while now, but also i bought too weird to live, too rare to die by p!atd on vinyl recently so i've been listening to that a lot but also anything by halsey and basically should i make a whole simply fangirl chapter talking about artists and songs i like right now? *update* BADLANDS CAME OUT AND THATS ALL I'VE BEEN LISTENING TO

- what do you like most about living in ireland? i dunno, theres lots of pros but then again theres lots of cons  - tower records which is a music store in dublin city is my favourite thing in the city centre so i'd say that :)

- whats your clothing style? black jeans, baggy tshirts, flannels and either my multi coloured shoes or my boots

if you were a smurf which one would you be? "is annoying-y a smurf? you'd be that" - butphan

jack barakat or patrick stump? choose one of your tiny sons FUCK YOU butphan I CANT I LOVE THEM BOTH SO MUCH (to marry: jack, to hug and protect: patrick)

what do you think of foot fetishes? whatever helps you sleep at night, mate. they definitely aren't for me but you do you

firstly, how are you? i'm great thanks! secondly; do you think broccoli looks like tiny trees or trees look like giant broccoli? what an excellent question, and i think broccoli looks like a tiny tree

opinion on charlie puth? he's a v talented singer but i don't know much about him

what would be your fave anime if you watch it? well i recently started attack on titan and i'm really enjoying it?

if you had to eat one thing for the rest of your life what would it be? pizza!! wow how generic, idc i love pizza

if you had to be deaf or blind what would you choose? also i love your rants firstly, thank you!! also i'd be blind, couldn't live without music

favourite books/movies? books...i'd say the perk of being a wallflower by stephen chbosky or paper towns by john green also!! the harry potter series and movies, i have a few, tangled, big hero 6, ferris beuler's day off, the lego movie and the harry potter films!! not necessarily in that order (also guardians of the galaxy, i forgot that one...i like chris pratt okay)

thank you for asking me all those lovely questions, be sure to answer them yourself too!! x

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