story time!! not really tbh im just gonna talk for a bitso i've been doing exams/getting exam results back and honestly?? that shits exhausting. its soooo difficult to stay calm while getting results back and its the worst feeling ever when you do worse than you expect to.
i got a b in history, which is good yes and im not that disappointed but i was really hoping for an a. idk man. life's weird sometimes.
but this may be a weird tangent to go off on but i've been thinking about exes or people i used to really like that i don't like anymore and its just such a weird concept. i used to infatuated with those people and now they barely mean anything to me. its sad to think about.
i've also been thinking about growing up a lot recently. i'm in such a weird phase of my life where i have friends who go out drinking every weekend and friends who've never kissed anyone. its absolutely crazy to me, i feel so grown up yet still so fucking young at the same time.
another thing thats been happening a lot, my friend group had changed a ridiculous amount. i used to only hang around with the same three people but its so draining trying to maintain that friendship when they constantly get offended when i hang out with other friends. so i think i've given up. i love all the other friends i have so i'm trying to stick with them as much as i can. its sad to think about how much has changed over the past few years ://
i was properly drunk for the first time a few weeks ago, like i drank more than i ever had (and in ireland lemme tell you we start drinking early in our teenage years so most people i know have a pretty strong alcohol tolerance). i learned a lot about the friends i was with - they all helped me sober up and get home okay and i couldnt be more grateful. two of my friends walked me home and i was perfectly fine the next morning. no headache, no nausea. if that aint irish i dont know what is lmao
so yeah, a lot of crazy things have been happening. in the next few months i have to decide what college courses i'm going to be doing, even though its quite a long way away. scary, really - i have to pick out what i'll do for the rest of my life and i'm still a teenager.
another crazy thing - i have a girlfriend??? and she puts up with me??? and actually likes me??? what a wild concept.
i have such a good story for the next chapter just you wait ;)))))))))))))
bumbling about
Randomawkward (adjective) awk•ward description: /1/ not smooth or graceful /2/ causing difficulty /3/ deliberately unreasonable (eg. you're being awkward!) /4/ me