79 - RANT #17

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warning: theres spoilers for both tfios by john green and me before you by jojo moyes in this chapter so if for some reason you've literally been locked away for the past three years and you havent read those books or seen the movies and plan on doing either of them then skip this chapter now



so i was innocently watching book reviews on youtube and i noticed this tag/trend thing called 'books i hate', and i saw someone say that me before you by jojo moyes is a shit book because they dont agree with the ending

they said the ending is lazy and i know that person will never seen this but i honestly need to get this off my chest

the book is not shit because the ending made you angry. that does not make a book shit.

obviously i realise everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but your opinion and your critiques of something are two different things

savannah brown talks about the difference between these two things in her 'i, a pretentious hipster' video so go watch that if you dont know what i mean

when will dies at the end, lou is devastated because she has spent so much time trying to show him that theres more to life and he shouldn't actively make the decision to end his own

obviously you'd grow angry at this but that doesn't make the book shit - you're angry because theres a loss of potential, life and a loss of character and that shows good writing. you've grown attached to will throughout the book because you see his character development and you see how lou has grown with him too.

its so fucking dumb to me to write off an entire book as shit because you don't "agree" with the ending, but by you not agreeing with the ending thats just showing how well written and how well developed the characters in that story are.

so tfios is good book, it isn't amazing but its good, and of course im angry at the ending. when augustus dies its tragic because he was in remission and he's this fun loving, outgoing character who's funny and nice to hazel etc etc so we suffer a loss when he passes because its the loss of potential and life etc, but that doesn't make the book shit. tfios was glorified because its about two kids with cancer and theres nothing wrong with hype surrounding a book that brushes upon a sensitive subject but tfios was also loved because it makes you feel things.

why is me before you any different? both books are about two people, a physical complication, when you think everything is going great it takes a turn for the worst and ultimately one main character dies. and im not saying they're the same story, im saying the have the same sort of ending and the same sort of character setup.

i dunno, it just seems dumb to say a well written book was shit because it has a sad ending

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