Chapter 6

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We eat lunch outside and Mack turns and whispers to me "Sooo are you and Rachel dating now?"
I blush beet red and almost choke on my pizza "N-no why w-would you think that?" She smiles teasingly "Are you sure because you both turned into tomatoes after she kissed you." Wait that actually happened I thought I was imagining things. "She was trying to get me to stop hurting Luca its not like she likes me."

Rachel POV
I. Kissed. Ira. Maya is telling me that he seemed to enjoy it( not to mention going over our wedding details) but I don't believe her. I steal a glance at Ira who is blushing while he talks to Mackenzie, why does he have to be so cute... but it doesn't matter how much I like him, he obviously doesn't feel the same

* Authors note: 🎵 Miraculous simply the best up to the test when things go wrong🎶

Time skip after school

Mackenzie POV

Im texting Maya and Clara about our dilemma
Me: ok so wat r we gonna do about ira and rachel
Mayapapya: wat do u mean
Me: obvi they like each other
Clarabell: they would make a cute cuple
Mayapapya: well what if we locked them in a room together until they admit their feels
Me: nah Ira's stubborn he won't break
Mayapapya: ok it we leave notes in both of their bags asking for a date with the other and if the answer's yes then to meet at the Pig Tail
Clarabell: it's so crazy that it might just work
Mayapapya: Mackenzie u on
Mayapapya: in*
I think about how my best friend might react to this, he would be angry and embarrassed but in the end he'll be happy and I want him happy
Me: what do you need me to do

Rachel POV

Ira drags his feet as we walk to school with the others "Even fighting Distains is less exhausting than school."
"You don't mean that." Mackenzie says. She puts her arm around Ira and...what did she just put in his bag? "Uh yeah I do Mack, school suuucks."

Maya POV

Ok, Mackenzie put the note in Ira's bag now it's my turn. I discreetly put my student hand book in Rachels bag. "Ohhhh noooo it is a tragedy I have lost my beloved hand book" Nailed it, Mackenzie looks at me and rolls her eyes. "Check my bag you always leave stuff at my house" Rachel says. I take her bag slip the note in and pull out my book. "Thanks Rachel you're a lifesaver" As we get to class I give Mackenzie and Clara a knowing look, we are about to pull off the biggest scheme in history.

Time skip to after school


Finally I'm away from that horrible prison, the girls say it's something called a week-end so I don't have to go back for 2 days(Party time whoo whoo🥳) I'm in my room pulling out my homework when I see a blue envelope... strange it's the same color as Rachel's hair.. n-not that I pay attention to the color of her hair. I open the envelope

Hey Ira I wouldn't be writing this but I just can't say it to your face I really like you and I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me?? Don't say anything to the girls but if the answer is yes then meet me at the Pig Tail
Love, Rachel

R-rachel wants t-to go out w-with me. "Ira are you ok? your face is all red." Asks Kane. He's in his human form, sitting on my bed staring at me. "Y-yeah Kane I'm f-fine." Kane looks at me "Alright what's wrong?" I roll my eyes "I-I d-dont know what you're t-talking about" Kane narrows his eyes "Ira, you forget I've known you for years, you stutter when you're nervous." Dang it he's right, I break and tell him everything, Kane smiles cheekily at the information and yells "RORY YOU OWE ME TEN DOLLARS" They were betting on this?!

Rachel POV

I can't believe it, Ira of all people wants to go out with me I can't wait. I'm in my room with Maya as we decide what I'm going to wear
Maya holds up a bright blue dress
"This will look great on you." I take it from her, "Do you think he'll like it?" She smiles, "He'll love anything you wear after all he asked you." She sounds weird as she says it but she's right, I know she's right but I still wanna look nice. I hold up the dress in the mirror, it is beautiful. "Yeah you're right."

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