I exhaustedly force my strained eyes open, pushing off the extra layer of clothing covering my legs. A jacket? And it doesn't belong to me? I sigh and rub my face, glancing down at the small black smudge on my already-crimson palms. I frown agitatedly. I forgot I had eyeliner on.
I shake my head disapprovingly and stand up, giving my anemia a moment to marinate before walking down the stairs. I pause as I notice the raging fire in the middle of the room.
Right. He's gone and turned the bodies into a bonfire.
A small, leather accessory catches my eye. I pick it up and hold it out infront of me, admiring it for a moment. It's a gun holster, I believe. I clip it ontop of my studded belt, and it fits perfectly. Awesome.
I hear soft footsteps behind me, causing my head to snap around immediately.
Lo and behold... a cop. But it's not Leon, oh no.
I squint my eyes stubbornly.
"Who are-" I pause. "Martin!?" I exclaim.
"Y/N! You're... certainly dressed differently from when I'd last seen you." He acknowledges, silently judging me as he crosses his arms.
I shrug. "Am I?"
"Certainly. Very much so."
I just nod non-chalantly, changing the subject. My attire still makes it relatively easy to make an educated guess at what I am, despite being covered head to toe in blood. A punk.
"Are you hurt? What's that?" I point at a soggy, red stain on his side.He nods shamefully.
I hear a small rattle, and turn to the shutter. I notice the boy from earlier struggling to escape through the gap. Me and Martin collectively rush over to pull him out. I grab his left hand while Martin grabs his right, sliding him right out.
He almost flies into me, knocking me to the floor, but I swerve out of the way and he crashes face-first into the hard surface.
Phew, he almost fell ontop of me!
I crouch down to see what he was running from, noticing a lot of feet. Smelly feet; like, rotting flesh. Yeah, I didn't expect much different.
"Disgusting..." I mutter, my eyebrows furrowed. I let out a squeal as I involuntarily make eye contact with a pair of empty eye sockets. I scramble backwards with a whine, abruptly standing up.
I perk up at the sound of voices.
"So, you're Leon?" Martin interrogates. "The rookie cop? God, what an interesting first day..."
I turn around slowly.
'Leon' turns to me.
"You're a cop."
"And you're a punk."We stare eachother down for a moment and I stand up slowly, looking up directly into his soul as I rise to my full height of a whopping five foot nothing.
I furrow my eyebrows.
"You're a cop." I say, cautiously.
"Is there a problem?" He crosses his arms and raises an eyebrow.
"I hate cops." I grit my teeth. "The lot of them."
"Hey, I'm a cop! You seem to be just fine with Martin over here." He counters, contradicting my words. I huff spitefully.
"That's different! Even Caesar told me that cops are pigs, and not to trust them. I then learnt it the hard way. But Martin... he taught me how to cook mashed potato. The Christmas way."

Love From The Other Side ☆ Leon S Kennedy X Reader
FanfictionWhere a cop-hating punk and a punk-hating cop unwillingly come together to escape Raccoon City and uncover the truth behind it all, through letters from a deceased relative. But once Raccoon City is classified as unsalvageable and destroyed, the tw...