I gag at the pungent odour, my expert sense of smell not proving useful at this point in time. I climb up the ladder like a spider, silently questioning why it's suddenly so dark.
My question is answered when I reach the top. The sewer lid has been placed back over the hole. Without a second thought, I attempt to push the suspiciously stiff clump of metal away, holding my balance with one hand. I bite my lip as it fails to move, climbing up a little higher and using my body weight with a groan. It doesn't budge.
I reluctantly climb back down the ladder, frustrated at the fact I'll have to find my own way out in this revolting stench (and sight). I frustratedly trudge along the pathway, slinging my shotgun across both hands.
'Okay... I'm scared.' I think to myself, slowing down as I reach a turning point. But, I'm not going to be able to get out of here if I refuse to turn, so I'm going to have to be Billy Big Balls and man it up. I speed up, sprinting past the odd zombie.
Okay, so... where am I? I look up, noticing a ladder and a platform about halfway up the wall. With a sigh, I frantically climb the ladder and hop onto the new surface. I glance down to where I was, noticing an oversized fish mutation zombie thing. With way too many teeth. Disgusting!
As I turn to walk on, I notice a door within moments. I think for a split second before entering; it's almost as if someone has already been here, which isn't entirely impossible... just unlikely.
As I enter the room, I jog up a set of steep stairs and get greeted by an open gate and a closed metal door; locked with a battery. I shrug it off, entering the gate. I quickly pull out my shotgun (again), met by only dead zombies. Like... dead. I know they're already dead, but extra dead.
I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding, moving on. I keep my hands on the gun, not risking putting it away.Eventually, I find the exit which leads me to a bridge and a large river. I literally have no idea where I am in the city.
I hesitantly walk on, just hoping I find something soon. Any other way is blocked by cars, rubble and fire. Choosing the only other option, I do a little bit of parkour across the bridge, already knowing that this is a bad idea. But what can I do? I can't go back.
I wander and wander until I eventually find a hospital. It's practically calling my name; it stands out. It's huge!
I dart through the odd zombie, crashing through the double doors. I pause at the sight of humans. Real, living humans.
My jaw drops open at the sight.
"Woah, woah. What are you doing here?" Asks one. He's on a computer, wearing sunglasses. He's African-American, pretty well built and looks really fucking cool. He's got a buzz-cut though.
"I don't know. I lost my partn-... group. And now I'm here." I mumble.
"It's alright, girly. Just wait here for Carlos, he'll know what to do with you. You ain't infected, no?" He checks, looking me up and down. "Sweet outfit."
I grin at the praise, although notice one thing. He's some sort of military police officer... thing? Or he's with umbrella? I don't know, but you know what? I don't give a shit, I'm not being alone right now.
"Heh, thanks.""Here, take a seat, gorgeous. What's your name?" He starts up basic conversation, his fingers tapping away at the keys of the laptop.
"Um, Y/N."
He glances up for a moment, giving a short, blunt nod before continuing with his work. "Y/N? Never heard anyone with that name before, and I know a lot of people."
I furrow my eyebrows, confused. I decide to subtly take the piss. "Yeah, it's vintage. What's your name?"
"Richard." He shrugs, not looking up.
"Huh. Do you go by Dick?" I grin, leaning over his shoulder to get a peek at his laptop screen.
"Nah, Tyrell." He elbows me in the gut, receiving a pained gasp in response.
"What?" I ask, confused as I walk around to the other side.
"My name isn't Richard." I can just barely see his smug expression under his sunglasses.
"Oh." Well fuck you!
I absorb the surroundings into my brain, deciding to explore myself. As I push my hand against the double doors, Tyrell calls my name.
"Wait! Just wait here for a bit. Carlos is a professional, one of the best I know, and he's almost died out there.""I'll be alright-"
Before I know it, the double doors come crashing open, slamming into my face and squishing me against the wall like a splatted bug. I yelp, pushing the door back and holding my nose in agony.
A tanned, muscly man stands infront of me. He's incredibly tall, strong and handsome, and just... an eyesore. Positively.
"Ah!" He squeals, genuinely sounding fearful for a moment. He immediately turns to the other guy in shock, before whipping back around to me. "Who are you!?"
"Um, Y/N." I bite my lip awkwardly, sniffling a little out of an sharp pain in my nose.
"...Okay, great, I'm Carlos, nice to meet you. Now, what are you doing here?" He raises an eyebrow, his curly black hair dangling infront of his eyes majestically. He scratches his bearded jaw nervously, the little bristles crunching under his fingertips and, oh my God, it's sexy. Although he vaguely resembles my brother, so maybe not.
"I lost my partner..." I mumble, looking around anxiously. "He's with another woman, so at least he's not alone." I shrug, feeling slightly more at ease as I process my own words.
"Let me get this straight. Your boyfriend cheated on you?" His face scrunches up a little and I laugh.
"What? No! My non-partner partner! The guy I found in the apocalypse today. We get separated." I smirk a little, amused at his late reaction.
"Oh. Ah... what's he look like, shortstack?" He grins, nudging me. Seems he isn't in a rush.
"Blonde, pretty tall; around 5'11. Really, really bright blue eyes. His names Leon. He works for the R.P.D." I list, holding up my fingers as I speak. "He's got quite a few moles, the first ones I noticed were two on his neck. And he has a little bit of a butt chin. It's cute though, trust. Um, he's also a bit of a nob. The type of guy to say, 'erm, he's right behind me, isn't he...'."
Carlos crosses his arms sassily. A grin forms on his face. "You're not dating?"
"No, I've known him for less than a day!" But I miss him already.
"Get him on a date when we're outta here." He chuckles. "Ah, you said he's part of the R.P.D?"
I nod enthusiastically. "Yep! It was supposed to be his first day on the job."
"Jill works for the R.P.D. I'll ask her if she recognises the name."
"Thank you!"

Love From The Other Side ☆ Leon S Kennedy X Reader
FanfictionWhere a cop-hating punk and a punk-hating cop unwillingly come together to escape Raccoon City and uncover the truth behind it all, through letters from a deceased relative. But once Raccoon City is classified as unsalvageable and destroyed, the tw...