39 ☆ A Blast From The Past

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In a forced frantic, I jolt awake to an unfortunate disturbance of my precious slumber. The best, most deep sleep of my life, interrupted by...

"I made breakfast!" Leon exclaims, shaking me left right and centre as his straight, golden locks hang just above his eyes. I grumble an incoherent complaint under my breath, sitting up slowly with a crack of my back and rubbing my eyes.

"I feel like I've just emerged from a lifelong hibernation..." I grumble, attempting to flatten down my most-definitely messy hair.

"Yeah, you look like it, too. Come on, get out of bed! It's already gone seven!" He grins, his baby blue eyes lighting up at the thought of me clambering out of bed, grappling onto my sanity as if my life depends on it.

"Seven in the morning!? No wonder... you do know I usually get up at eleven when I can, right? Ten at the very earliest?"

"Yeah, but we need to explore!"

I reluctantly nod, crawling my sorry ass out of bed and brushing my teeth. As I clean, I can't help but notice his shirtless figure in the mirror's crystal clear reflection. I recognise each and every scar kissing his pale skin; the gunshot wound from 1998 always sticks out to me the most. I feel a brief moment of guilt for being in the sewers when he recieved the bullet.

He catches me staring and sheepishly places his hand over his shoulder, hiding the mark in embarrassment.

"What's up?" He mumbles, biting his lip nervously.

I spit my toothpaste into the sink, rinsing my mouth out with some bottled water as we have a limited supply out here. "Nothing, I was just ogling." I chuckle, brushing it off.

"You know I hate that scar... it reminds me of everything." He huffs, letting his arms dangle at his sides as he steps beside me.

"Raccoon City?"

"Yeah, obviously. It was the worst two days of my life! It completely changed my story!" He complains, before pondering. "Although, I can't complain too much. I met you there."

I roll my eyes. What a cheesy thing to say... and kind of sweet.

Finishing up in the bathroom and stepping outside, I grimace at the chill of the air and the soft squelching noise beneath the soles of my boots.

"Hey, you know my old, little issue with-- ah-- drugs?" I ask, keeping an eye out for any loose fractions of burnable wood.

"Mhm? You mean your very professional drug dealing?" He smirks, crouching down and collecting a couple choppings.

"Well, yeah, that. Why did you only start looking for me after six years of business? Nobody seemed to care before that." I shrug, noticing some markings in the floor. I chuckle, nudging one of the footprints with my foot. "What the hell is this animal? It seems big."

"I have no idea... Anyway, that's because a few guys were smuggling over drugs from England. What was it, meth? Well, they killed some of our force. Then we figured it would be a good idea to get to the bottom of this all."

"Oh. That."

Tearing my eyes away from the peculiar trail, I catch a glimpse of a deadpan expression on Leon's face before he suddenly snaps back into reality. He chuckles, hitting me with a, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing. You just seemed a bit zoned out is all."

I'm suspicious now. Really, really, awfully, very intensely suspicious. When I mentioned a skinwalker earlier, I was joking my worries away. But Leon is making it scarily difficult to keep that thought in the past.

Love From The Other Side ☆ Leon S Kennedy X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now