6 ☆ Caught Like A Fly

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For some silly reason of my own, I've decided to preserve the battery life of my flashlight by strapping it to my belt as we traverse the pitch black - and very silent - west wing of the building. I trudge along lazily, the two of us being too stubborn (or awkward) to speak up first.

I can't believe this. Who is she to judge me for being a cop? She's a punk, she doesn't get it. I aspire to assist people. To be strong and save people like the man who saved me all those years ago.

Exploring the corridors is lonely enough as it is, but all of a sudden it feels a little more empty; and I can't help but notice the lack of sound coming from behind me. I can't hear her soft breaths, her footsteps, nothing. And it's causing an off-putting atmosphere around me. So, instinctively, I whip around and come face to face with... nothing? Where is she?

I furrow my eyebrows and backtrack my steps.

I freeze for a second at the sight of friction marks on the floor. A trail of cleanliness in the (what was) a surface coated with a thin layer of damp and muddy substance. I instantaneously begin to sprint down the hall, finding the culprit within mere seconds. Lo and behold; a mutated-looking, humanoid, feminine figure is dragging her through a doorway with ease. I pull out my gun and aim it at her.

"Put the girl down!" I command authoritatively, aiming the weapon straight for the monsters head. It doesn't move a muscle, before finally dropping her unconscious body on the floor. It looks at me with all eight eyes, frowning whilst feigning disappointment.

"Oh, I'm sorry. She smells so appetising..." The creature pouts mockingly, showing off it's fangs like a trophy. It licks it's lips exaggeratedly, rubbing it's slender, pale hands together like a fly on a scrap of shit.

"Explain yourself." My tone drops an octave, instantly becoming serious at the threat. My top lip subconsciously snarls in rage.

"I'm so starving... and she smells like blood..." It smirks, salivating. The string of drool dangles above the unconscious girls shoulder, before eventually dropping down. "The zombies don't taste quite like the living... No, not at all."

I grip my pistol tighter. "Elaborate! Who the hell are you!? What are you doing with the punk?" As if on cue, she groans groggily from the floor, stirring a little and slowly growing conscious again. She reaches out towards me, swiftly being cut off by the creature abruptly stomping on her wrist. She yelps, letting out a soft, strained whine and pulling back reflexively. "Agh..!"

"Hey!" I yell, my face twitching in fury. How dare she?

"I apologise. My name is Arachna..." She purrs sarcastically, licking her lips slowly. Again. "And my daddy was a spider, too. But I ate him. I didn't want to hurt your friend, though. But I can't control myself. Such soft flesh... such a delicious scent..."

"You actually wanted to eat her!?" I grit my teeth. What a freak!

From the floor, the girl (who's name I never learned... or forgot), weakly crawls towards me on her hands and knees. The mutation kicks her like a football, sending her flying into my feet and sending me stumbling backwards. I catch myself on the wall and resume my stance, positioning my gun once again.

The 'Arachna' lady scuttles over to me quickly, one of her sticky, slim hands gently caressing my cheek. Her skin is coated with millions of miniature, sharp, sticky bristles, and I flinch at the texture.

"What lovely, smooth skin you have... just like her. Oh, how I'm going to feast tonight!" The thing grins, before letting free a startled gasp. I place my hand where hers was, as if wiping away the touch. I look down to see the girl desperately trying to do as much damage as possible, almost looking like she's gnawing off it's foot from it's ankle. In response, she gets brutally kicked across the room for a second time, smashing into the cold, hard wall with immense force; enough to leave a dent in the wall and her breathing heavy and winded.

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