As we pace through the hallways with ten minutes before (I'm going to assume) possible self destruction of the building, the scene of Ada literally falling to her death replaying in my mind a million times. I mean, everything about her sends so many questions spiralling around my head.
Was she actually a bad person? Or was she just doing what she needed to do to survive? At the expense of lots of other people, though... I barely even knew her, but something is telling me that this isn't right.
"She kissed me earlier." He states bluntly, holding the door open for me. I raise an eyebrow, not really processing it for a hot second. I turn around suddenly as what he says actually makes sense to me.
"Wait, what? Context?" I ask, trying not to sound interested. I dodge past a few zombies, while Leon either shoots them or follows my lead.
"I don't really know. We were just talking, and she kissed me. It was... I don't know how to feel." He mumbles.
Why does that hurt? I'm jealous. That's fucking disgusting, it's not like I'm in love with him. He just makes me a bit nervous. Because he's different. But not like that! He acts different. He's... sweet?
"Damn. Carlos kissed me earlier. But he kinda looks like my brother, so it was a bit weird. Kinda hot though." I shrug, counteracting his statement with my own. I brush off what he said to me before it bothers me.
He doesn't answer for a moment, the two of us hopping onto an elevator of sorts.
"Oh. Who's Carlos?" He asks, a little quieter than normal. Before I can reply, a loud rumble shakes the platform we stand on.
I look up, face to face with the Tyrant bioweapon. He looms over us, his large frame maliciously staring down at us with pure dedication.
"Why don't you wine and dine me before you decide to fuck me!" I yell, frustratedly. Are you joking me? Why is he back!? Leave us alone!
Leon grunts, holding his arm out so I stay behind him. "Y/N, stay behind me. You're already hurt." He commands, gesturing to the cuts, burns, bruises and dried blood all over me. Plus my lack of shirt.
He whips out this absolute monster of a gun and fires it repeatedly, directly at the Tyrant. It's head, it's back, everywhere!
Slight issue, though. After about a minute of continuous attack, he doesn't seem to be any weaker whatsoever.
"Leon, this isn't going to work. We have barely any time, we need to find another way!" I exclaim, chasing him around the square platform.
"There is no other way!" He turns to me for a moment, before a small plonk is heard on the floor infront of him. He immediately steps forward and grabs whatever landed, and before I know it, the top half of the mutant blasts clean off.
I freeze, my mouth dropping in absolute horror.
He turns to me with a goofy grin, a rocketlauncher seated on his shoulder.
I slowly turn my head to face him, before he presses the button to make the platform gate open.
"...What the fuck just happened?" I mumble, struggling to process the situation. He giggles. I haven't heard him laugh like that; he must really be happy about that damn tyrant.
We walk out, trudging through some more rooms.
"Hey, Y/N! Break that vent down. It should be our escape, landing us in the main r-"
I, confused, shoot an explosive barrel. I fling my arm up infront of my face instinctively; I'm incredibly sleep deprived, and the mere force of the explosion sends me flying backwards into the vent in question, immediately breaking the vent entrance down.
"Fuck!" I yell, not wasting a single moment of the few minutes we have remaining. I crawl through, Leon behind me.
"Sorry my ass is in your face." I chuckle, crawling through the other side. I suddenly get booted across the room as I go to stand up.
"Who the fuck..." I glance up, making direct eyecontact with... Jimmy? He's a mess, and he's got bandages around his face.
I open my mouth to scream at him in a rage, but his torso upwards explodes. Literally explodes. Some of his insides splatter onto the floor, and my jaw drops open again.
"Leon!" I whip around to him, and he wraps his hand around my wrist and drags me along.
"Sorry, I thought it was a zombie." He chuckles, dragging me along the corridor. We end out in the main room, stepping into the elevator.
"So... who's the Carlos guy?" He asks, a little defeatedly as he drops my wrist.
"Umm, I don't really know." I sigh. "Do you remember what my brother looks like?"
He nods, a small smile forming. "He looks just like you. Just... a little more male."
I stop talking for a moment. I haven't heard anyone say we look similar for years. The fact he remembers my brother although meeting him for about two minutes is insane. Why is he so kind to me!?
"...Scrap that, then. Carlos doesn't have the same features. He's just... tall. Curly black hair. Beard. He was with Jill, who works for the RPD. But, it's your first day, isn't it? So, it's not like you'd know her."
The cop glances down at me, analysing my body. My eyebrows furrow, but he speaks up.
"Your arm is... burnt." He cautiously raises my arm, having a little look.
"I'm not surprised. I did blow up that barrel." I chuckle, stepping out of the elevator. The two of us enter a subway station, and I gasp.
"Train!" I grin, pointing at it. His eyes sparkle for a moment, and he rushes forward. The two of us both jump onto a compartment, and it rides along within less than a minute.
I groan, choosing a cart and lying on my back in exhaustion. Leon lays beside me, and I close my eyes. I can relax at last.
I'm alive. After so many sacrifices... I'm alive. We're alive.

Love From The Other Side ☆ Leon S Kennedy X Reader
FanfictionWhere a cop-hating punk and a punk-hating cop unwillingly come together to escape Raccoon City and uncover the truth behind it all, through letters from a deceased relative. But once Raccoon City is classified as unsalvageable and destroyed, the tw...