11 ☆ Mind The Pothole

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I glance down at the defeated mutation by my feet, stepping over it and cautiously pressing a button in the control room to unlock the door separating us. Holding my pistol close, I creak open a few doors, glancing around viscously before quickly moving onto the next room.

I open a door, only really able to see some sort of smoke covering the room. I can hear the hissing of gas as I move slowly, cautious of danger.

"Leon?" A small, soft voice calls out from the centre of the room. I squint, struggling to see anything, although I recognise her voice. Just... weaker.

"Y/N? Y/N, keep talking! What happened?" I ask, making my way to the voice as soon as possible, my heart rate raising rapidly in anxiety.

"Um... I had no choice, Leon."

I trip over a large bump on the ground, smacking face-down on the cold, hard floor. How embarrassing... I sit up, rubbing my nose sheepishly and looking back at the murder attempt in question before softening my gaze at a familiar, annoying punk girl infront of me. Well, a ferocious looking monster... at closer inspection, she looks a lot like an animal again. I decide not to mention it. There's a child draped over her lap; an injured one, at that.

"Hey, hey, what's happened here?" I hastily crouch down, noticing the blood stains on her ankle, shoulder and jaw.

"Well, um... This kid - I think she had DID or some sort of disorder." She begins, warily. "Said she was an experiment of umbrella. But a lost cause. Lacked any human... well... empathy. Control. Actually, it was like... Jekyll and Hyde. She also stabbed me. Multiple times."

"That's why you shot her in the head?" I speak gently, as not to panic her. I slowly run my thumb over the skin of her jaw, wiping the blood.

"She tried to kill me. Like, she got real angry. Probably traumatised, I don't know. Apparently I looked at her funny. But I'm so fucking tired, I didn't even mean to." She groans, rubbing her eyes. She really doesn't seem to notice the extra fur and muscle over her...

"You're traumatised, too. Not just her." I point out to her, standing up and pulling her up off floor. The moment she drops the child, she's back to normal as if nothing even happened! She winces sharply at a pain on her ankle or leg somewhere and stumble towards me, losing her balance.

"Yeah, difference is I'm alive."
Of course, she falls straight into me. I just hold her up unimpressed.

"I said you're traumatised, not disabled." I chuckle, before switching up and suddenly turning stern. "Sit down. Let me look."

I watch her furrow her eyebrows and prepare to complain, but she seemingly decides to be generous just this one. Thumping onto the floor, she throws her leg up into the air, resting it on my knee. I crouch down, lowering her foot down with me.

I analyse the slit on her ankle, rummaging in my hip pouch and pulling out a bandaid. I bandage her up, not really able to do much else.

"We need to move." She declares, pushing herself off of the floor (with more caution than last time). I mentally curse myself for not offering my hand to her before she abruptly stood up, but nod.

"Why so sudden?" I question, trailing right behind her as she makes a move, navigating her way around the smoke.

Without warning, my foot slips on a gap in the floor and I tumble to the floor. I yelp, the leg in question falling down an unnoticed hole and dragging my body with it.

I fall approximately 5 meters, groaning as I land on my back. "Ah... ow..." I grunt, clenching my eyes shut for a moment at I process the pulsing pain crippling my body.

Love From The Other Side ☆ Leon S Kennedy X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now