I heard that. Amidst the northern downpour of the forest, I heard a suspiciously loud rustle accompanied by the snapping of sticks. Leon rolls his eyes, lovingly planting a soft peck to the top of my head.
"It's probably some small animal like a rabbit or hare, you dummy."I sigh, trying to peek out of the condensated window by giving it a cautious wipe of my jacket sleeve. I don't see any signs of animal life out there, but I'm certainly on edge. I hate forests.
"Come on, beautiful. You're overthinking it, and if there was anything out there, which there's not, I'd protect you." He reassures me confidently, giving me a rough shake to try and shake some sense into me. I huff, crossing my arms and burying my face in his chest to hide my away from the window. How is there not something mingling in the trees when they're all staring and watching me so ominously?
There's nothing out here. I'm just stressed over these bio-things and forest monsters don't exist.
So why is Kennedy's heart racing, unless he's scared of something, too? I can sense the rapid beating of his chest against my forehead, which can only mean one thing.
"What are you afraid of? What's out there?" I ask, not moving a muscle."Nothing is out there, dumbass. C'mon, let's just get some sleep, and we can go get some firewood in the morning. Or, you can wait here while I get it." He offers, leaning down and scooping me up - wrapping my legs around his waist and picking me up facing him! I yelp, squeezing onto him tightly.
"Holy shit!"Crash!
Unexpectedly, a pigeon splats into the window I'd just cleared the moment we move away, a sharp inhale audibly escaping from my throat.
"Ah, don't worry! Damn birds are so stupid..." He groans, adjusting my weight and carrying me into the bedroom swiftly. He chucks me onto the mattress playfully, sitting beside me as I spring myself upright.
"Are you sure there's no bears or wolves around?" I mumble, a little embarrassed that I'm so paranoid. Honestly, I've calmed my mind by this point, and I'm just wondering what kind of animal it was. It sounded big, after all.
"Nope, none of that. I wouldn't have taken us here if there were," He explains. "But if you're that worried, I'll go out there right now. We need firewood, anyway."
"In the dark!? It's pitch black, do it tomorrow! That's just stupid." I scold, resulting in him faceplanting the pillows without any argument. Yep, of course he seized the opportunity to get some rest; this man is always in a constant state of fatigue.
While I listen to his soft, stable breathing, I slowly stand up and make my way into the kitchen / main room to pour myself a glass of water from the bottles we brought. Amidst my refreshing action, a glimpse of movement catches my eye. This time, I brush it off as a measly, tired hallucination on my end.
And that it stays. I gulp down my drink, quenching my thirst and returning back to the other room. I shuffle ontop of the duvet, resting my arm on his back as he crashes out deeply - face-down in comfort.
It's only really around 7pm and I don't find my body welcoming sleep, so I sit in silence whilst gracefully relishing my time with my... boyfriend. Wow, that's peculiar, actually.
I remember when he was complaining about that dildo in the drawer in the Raccoon City police department - and he got mad at me because I told him to use it - but now he's here, in my arms, almost seven years later.
It's odd. All of our arguments meant nothing. No matter how you interpret it, this man saved my life - twice. I was just too stubborn to acknowledge it. So as he lies at such a close proximity to me, I can't help but feel a protective singe over his unguarded figure.
Contrasting to my previous complaints, I begin to drift off into a light slumber. I realise this as I catch myself drooling a little against his shoulder.
Eventually, I fall asleep completely beside him. Anything else is irrelevant right now, it's but us. That was, of course, until another 'plonk' was audible behind me...
Of course, when I glance up, I spot another bird for a split second before it plummets into the grass. I groan, sitting up and glancing over to Leon. He stirs, furrowing his eyebrows before returning back into a comfortable position.
Frustrated - and now overly exhausted - I face the scene before me and crawl away from the agent, confidently opening the droplet stained window and peeking straight down to the forest floor below me.
There it is. Another deceased bird. Except this time, it's not a pigeon, but a crow with a crooked beak in which I can only assume was caused by the collision with the glass.
I know I'm trying not to overthink this, but I'd be lying if I said this wasn't weird as fuck. Now wide awake, I take a few steps into the kitchen to look at the other bird. I repeat the process: I open the window and glance down. Except this time, the spot is empty. The bird is gone.
The carcass is gone, which unnerves me immensely. I close the window back up, locking it and backing away into the other room. I securely shut the window by the crow, too, only to notice the body also missing.
"It's just the wind, babe..." He mumbles, half-asleep and clueless on what I'm stressing over. With firmly clamped eyelids and an unconscious brain, he holds out an arm for me to act as his personal teddy bear.
I huff, ignoring his request and crossing my arms, all whilst hiding the fact I am absolutely loving the pet names.
"There's something out there." I mumble. "And I'm not over-thinking it, or freaking out. I just know there's something there."He groans tiredly, retracting his arms and rolling to the side to face me with half-lidded eyes.
"Why? What did you see?" He yawns, gazing at me with those stupid loving eyes of his."Another bird killed itself on the window. A crow. And when I looked outside, I noticed that both birds disappeared." I explain, leaning over and attempting to untie his trainers at this angle.
"Shoes on the bed? Really?" I sigh, tossing them across the room. He chuckles groggily, playfully kicking me in the side of the head. In response, I pretend to bite his foot and he immediately retreats."Yeah, these birds are so fucking dumb. I don't know what took them, probably just- holy shit!" Leon gasps, sitting up quickly and staring directly behind me. Alertedly, I turn my head, being met with a whole load of nothing at the window.
"A holy shit took the birds?" I retort, waiting for the elaboration.
"No, I... what? No, nothing. I must be really tired." He grumbles, rubbing his eyes and shaking his head in denial.
"What did you see?"
"I don't know."
"You don't know?"
"It looked like a person, I guess."
"How so?"
"They looked like you."

Love From The Other Side ☆ Leon S Kennedy X Reader
FanfictionWhere a cop-hating punk and a punk-hating cop unwillingly come together to escape Raccoon City and uncover the truth behind it all, through letters from a deceased relative. But once Raccoon City is classified as unsalvageable and destroyed, the tw...