20 ☆ The Truth. ☆ IMPORTANT!

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I open the drawer slowly, scooping the key up in my hand. I sigh, taking note of how small the drawer is. I crouch down so that I'm eye level with the bed, noticing a second one. The two drawers are next to eachother, and this one has a lock on it.

I sigh, attempting to unlock it with the key; to my surprise, it clicks open with ease. My heart begins to relax as I feel the familiar feeling of Caesar's proof of existence. I open it up, unfolding it into one big sheet of letter.

1995 - I don't remember what the exact date is today.

Y/N. I'm going to trust that you dealt with Jimmy, or at least tried your best. Either way, you've got the key, and you've got my letter. However you look at it, you're successful. Now, here's some things to keep in mind.

This is my last letter, so it really should be the longest and most heartfelt of them all.

I love you so much. I genuinely wish I could see you through this, but this is all I can do for you, and god, it hurts.

Y/N, you've just killed a handful of the staff. They're going to erase your memory, along with everyone here.

You knew they'd release the virus, so why did you do it? Did you finally have too much of those scientists?

Some of the things I've mentioned in the other letters may not have been fully truth, or missed out a lot. This is because you weren't ready for the truth, but sometimes you have to accept it to move on.

I'm not letting you get your memory back. I'll explain to you all that you need to know, but what's the point of replaying trauma when you can avoid it?

I was enrolled here before you were. I was involved with some scummy people, and I was doing a lot of illegal shit. Not just drugs; dealing, buying, prostitution, paid assault, all this shit and beyond. But one day I got paid to attack a member of umbrella.

I did, obviously. I was pre-warned, but I was struggling to cope financially, and I desperately needed the money for drugs. Cocaine mostly, but I did other stuff too.

After my failed attack, they took me in for questioning. This forced me to get sober, obviously. They kept me there, and they ended up experimenting with my blood and body. How quick I heal, and all this internal nonsense. I had no choice. Although, I had strong withdrawals. This is when Jimmy assaulted me himself. Sexually. It started of small at first; he'd try to be sweet, and I didn't fall for it.

So one night, he found me himself. And he took what he wanted; he's a lot stronger than he looks. I hope you have someone with you just incase you struggle to fight him. You can't kill him, if you need information. That's the biggest issue. Anyway, he found me the next day, and the next. And the next. He's a filthy, filthy bastard.

And these cops aren't as heroic as they seem. Some of the RPD were guarding. The police force, themself. They didn't give a fuck, how much I begged, attacked him him, how much I CRIED.

Yes. Me. Crying.

Anyway, don't trust those god damn RPD fuckers. They're incompetent fucking pigs. Just take my word for it, stay distant.

Love From The Other Side ☆ Leon S Kennedy X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now