19 ☆ Oh. That's Gross.

18 2 0

As William Birkins oversized, mutated figure finally collapses to the floor in a lifeless state, I toast him with my flamethrower one last time for luck before turning to the other two in the room. Where the hell did they go, bingo?

I pace it over to where they were located when I last saw them, the only proof of their presence being a puddle of vomit and petrol. I groan, leaning my head back in frustration before immediately spotting a ladder at the side of the platform with Annette.

I scurry up the ladder as hurriedly as physically possible, stumbling slightly as I reach the top. I turn to Annette in a hidden frantic.

"Where did they go!?" I ask, furrowing my eyebrows as I try to figure out if the woman is still alive. "Hey!"

She opens her eyes, leaning forward from her seated position against the wall. She pulls something out of her pocket before leaning back again.

The scientist stares down at a glass vial, the hole at the top plugged tightly by a cork. My eyes widen and I gasp in remembrance. I completely forgot I needed the G-virus mutagen!

"Don't give it to her." She mumbles, her voice strained with agony and acceptance of her incoming death.

"I don't have time for this, please give it to me." I request, kneeling down to her level. "And did you see where the other two went?"

She nods. "Behind me. But please, listen! Ada Wong is not to be trusted with this vial."

Is she fucking stupid?

"Yes she is! She works for the FBI, miss. Trust me, it's not in unreliable hands." I reach out to the glass tube again, only for her to yank it away from my grasp once again.

"No! She's a mercinary, not an FBI agent! She's just going to sell the virus!" She snaps, gritting her teeth in clear agitation. "You're so naïve. Don't let her have it..."

I take note of her voice gradually getting weaker, sympathizing ever so briefly. I don't have time for this, damn it!

"Fine, I won't. I'll give it in myself, I won't let her take it. Now, do you know where exactly they went off to?" I ask, taking the vial from her. As I clutch onto it cautiously, her body limply falls to the side, making a soft thud as she lies there without movement or a single sign of life.

I sigh, deciding on my now-balanced priorities and sprinting through the door behind her, looking around desperately. I rub my eyes, trying to wake myself up a bit. I'm absolutely exhausted, and my body feels weaker than it should be.

I jog around, barging through every door in sight to find her. Where the hell did he take her!? I need to find that stupid punk before the idiot somehow dies. I literally watched her get tazed and beaten the shit out of by this random guy, and she's still with the guy in question!

I catch myself beginning to lose my composure, standing still for a moment and placing my hands to both sides of my head in a practically inconsolable state, staring at all of the doors. They're everywhere!

I suddenly hear a gutteral, high-pitched scream echoing down the hallway I've ended up in by luck. On one hand, I'm relieved because she's narrowed her location down. On the second... that's the most terrified, anguished scream I've ever heard arise from her... or anyone, at that.

I desperately navigate through the corridors, dominating the doorways in her rough direction. I ignore the zombies in the rooms, ducking and swerving them as I have no time to lose. I have to backtrack a few times, but I eventually reach a different hallway with countless rooms of... what look like prison cells, or the type of rooms you'd come across in an asylum. Just without the surface padding.

I check each barred window on the door for a trace of them, my anxiety skyrocketing with each empty cell. After a moment, I hear quiet mumbling from afar.

TW: Hinting of SA.

"Come on..! Stop fucking crying. Don't wanna add wrinkles to that pretty little dollface of yours."

Fuck no, that bastard can't speak to her like that! I immediately scramble along, pinpointing their exact room once and for all. I come to a halt as I reach the door, very cautiously and stealthily pushing the door open.

As I step inside, I see their positions. Y/N is pushed up against the wall, the man pressing a dagger up to her throat. Her hands are held tightly above her head with one of his larger hands, and his mouth is pressed up against her ear.

"C'mon, baby... you feel that?" His eyelashes dart down with his eyes as he gazes at her soft lips. He bucks his hips into her, and I physically feel my blood boil.

"No, I don't feel a thing, tiny dick." She retorts, sweat streaming down her skin as her lip trembles.

"That's enough!" I yell, holding up my weapon and aiming it at his head. The girl opens her tear stained eyes, and the man whips around frustratedly.

"Woah, woah, chill out. We were just having some fun. What's up with you, huh!?" The man snaps, gripping her wrists tighter with his strong hand. "What, you want a turn with the woman?"

"Let go of the woman." I project my voice louder, and more clearly.

"The woman!? That's all I am to you men, isn't it?" She complains, squirming against him as she tries to pull away. "Fucking let go of me!"

She's a mess. Her hair is frizzy and out of place, her mascara and eyeliner is smudged and running down her cheeks, and she has blood smeared over her lips and nose. Not to mention the injuries all over her shirtless torso; especially the taser burn under her bra.

"Will you stop fucking moving!?" The brunette man yells, shoving his blade into his pocket and slapping her face. "Stupid bitch!"

I immediately step forward. "Don't touch her!" I scream, pausing in my tracks instantaneously.

In a blind rage, she leans forward and bites his nose with a small crunch, latching on like a tick on a dog. The man aggressively pushes her away, but she clenches her jaw even tighter which provokes a shriek from him.

He grabs the handle of his gun from his other pocket, but before he can fully whip it out I redirect my MAG and pull the trigger. The bullet darts directly through his wrist, blasting his hand clean off and landing in his thigh.

The noise that erupts from his gut is practically enough to cause an earthquake. In this moment of vulnerability, I rush forwards and pull him away from her. I grab his arms and push my knee into his back, leaving him in an armlock.

She crouches down to his level. "Where's the key to his cell, Jimmy?" She sniffles, spitting a chunk of his nose back into his face.

"Motherf... Urghhh, fuck! Fuck it, fuck, fuck, fuck!" He screams, his voice cracking in helplessness.
"Shit... Fine, fine, you filthy slut! It's in the drawer under the bed! Now get your stupid twink, boytoy... poof off of me!"

She ignores him, walking over to the bed. She opens the drawer, pulling out a key about the size of a cockroach.

She then pulls out letter and begins to read it? Which is odd, I didn't think this was the right cell... oh well. I push my knee into him more, adjusting his position until I hear a crack and a scream. Deserved, freak.

Love From The Other Side ☆ Leon S Kennedy X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now