Julian Josias!

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Demi POV

I wake up, what feels like minutes later.

I look over and see Wilmer sitting in the chair where he was when I fell asleep but this time staring at his hands together instead of being asleep.

"Hey." I say breaking him from his thoughts.

"Hey... How are you feeling?" He asks pulling his chair up to the side of the bed.

"Okay.. What time is it?" I ask.

"It's almost nine... You got a good three in a half hour nap in." He says laughing a little.

"What were you thinking about?" I ask.

"What do you mean?"

"You were sitting on the chair staring at nothing... You were obviously thinking about something..."

"Don't worry about it... Doctor said to call him in when you wake up..." He says changing the subject.

I press the button by the bed that tells the doctor to come in.

Within minutes hes here.

As he walks in so does my mom and Dallas. Eddie and Maddie might have gone home. I'm not sure.

"Good morning." The doctor says. "How are you feeling?"


"Is the epidural still working?" He asks.

"Not as much no..." I say.

"Okay... Let's see how far you are."

He checks me and says that it's time to start pushing but I can only have one person in the room with me...

I look at my mom and she smiles.

"It's okay... Were gonna be right outside..." I nod. She gives me a kiss on the head before she and Dallas walk out.

I look at Wilmer nervous.

"Its okay." He says holding his hand out. I take it and watch as the nurses and doctor start to prepare for Julian to make his arrival.


"Fuck..." I mumble out of breathe when the pain finally eases up... Not only was I releaved to not be in such horrific pain anymore but I was even more releaved to hear my baby's cry for the first time.

He starts crying right away as they lay him on top of my stomach.

I lean my head back and close my eyes, thanking God for such a beautiful, healthy son.

Being the emotional person that I am, I can't help but start crying as he continues to scream, letting all of us know how healthy his little lungs are, allowing him to cry and breathe all on his own.

I let go of Wilmers hand to put it on top of him as they wrap the blanket flap over him.

I look up at Wilmer and he smiles, focusing his attention back on Julian. They ask Wilmer if he wants to cut the chord and he agrees, taking the scissor things and cutting where he was told to.

This moment... The one I've been waiting for for months... It's here and it's better than I have ever imagined.

I just had a son... With the man that, no matter what he does, I love... We may not be together and we may never be but we will always be a family... A disfunctional one... But one that I would trade for anything.


"I'm so proud of you!" My mom says as people flood my hospital room... Not really flood. It's just my mom, Eddie, and sisters.

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