He's Gone

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Wilmer POV

I sit in my driveway, holding my son in my lap, waiting for my brother to come. I need a break from all this. I fucked up... I fucked up everything and there's no way to fix it. I can't even face Demi now. I'm gonna have my brother take Julian back over to Demi's and then im leaving. I don't know where I'm going but I need to get away for a few days and figure out how I can fix this. Im holding Julian as he sleeps and talk to him until my brother gets here.

"Hey Christian." I say getting out and opening the door so he can get Julian's car seat.

"I got mom and dad to stay back... Are you sure your doing the right thing? Maybe you should stay here with Julian and figure this out."

"Not with Demi here. I just need to get away for a few days..."

"Okay... What am I suppose to say to demi." He says looking scared.

I laugh knowing Demi is gonna have a few choice words of her own.

I shrug and leave that up to him.

I kiss Julian's head and get him into the car.


"No problem."

He leaves. I go inside and pack a few outfits to last at least a week as well as anything else I'll need, put it in my car and just drive... And I don't stop.


Demi POV

"Hey come in." I say welcoming some more of my family as they come in. Everyone's wondering where Julian is and I tell them he's with Wilmer but will be back. I got a text from his brother saying he was bringing him back so I could relax and focus on my thanksgiving dinner. I invited Wyatt over but he had plans with his family which I understood.

Christian gets here and I trade him Julian for some food. He said he wasn't having a dinner tonight which left me curious as to why but I didn't bother asking. He stayed and watched the game with the other guys in the living room while the girls ate in the dining room talking. Julian went with my dad so I was baby free for the hour.

Aside from this morning, it was a good thanksgiving and now I can focus on my music, my baby, and my boy.


A few days pass and I haven't heard from Wilmer. I don't mind but I can tell Julian misses him. He may only be a few months old but he acts up when he's not with one of us for a long period of time. He gets fussy and restless.

Im at a meeting with my manager now. He told me that Ellen wants me to come on the show and surprise a fan which I agreed to. I love doing stuff like that. It's kind of last minute though since I have to be there tomorrow but I didn't mind. I just have to make sure Wilmer can watch Julian.

Once I leave the meeting I call Wilmer but he doesn't pick up so I leave a message.

"Call me back please. Thanks." I say before hanging up.

"Alright bubba... Ready to go home?" I say looking in the back seat. I look at the mirror on the seat so I can see him and he is asleep.

"Fine... I'll just talk to myself then." I sat pulling out of the driveway.


"Mom... Please come get Julian from the studio... Wilmer isn't picking up any of my calls and I'm going out in less than an hour." I say talking to my mom. I stopped at Wilmers house this morning and he's gone. I have no clue where he is... He's home from filming until after New Years so he shouldn't of gone back up to Canada unless he's going to see his "co worker" which wouldn't surprise me now that he knows about Wyatt and I. I would of called Wyatt but Wilmer wouldn't of been to happy about that so I called my mom.

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