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"Demi answer the phone." I hear play over my voicemail from a too strange familiar voice... Ryan.

I don't want to talk to him.

I don't want to talk to anybody.

Its only been a few hours but it feels like I've lived with this burden for my whole life.

I haven't moved since he left.

I'm still naked

I'm still bleeding from different places.

I'm still bruised but they will be there for awhile.

I can't even get up. My body is so weak physically and emotionally that I can't move. I can't cry... I'm don't even know if I wanna cry. I can't even think straight.

How can I go from having amazing sex with Wilmer to being ra-... To having that kind of sex... I can't even use that word. Was it even that word?

I don't even know. I hear buddy barking from outside the room but I can't get up. I'm laying their, staring at the ceiling and just thinking... If this white pale ceiling was the last thing I ever see.... I'll be okay with that cause with everything that's going through my head, I don't know one reason why I should be alive.


I decide to go into the studio today. It's been a little over a month since the incident. I haven't talked to anyone except my mom. She doesn't know what happened but just her saying "I love you" makes me feel better. Wilmer hasn't texted or called once. He must still be pissed that I kicked him out after sex... Fuck I can't even think about the "S" word without jumping and looking around. I found out something a few days ago... I don't really know how to handle the situation so I decide for now just to act like its not happening. I can't tell anyone... I know I can't just ignore it but for now its all my mind is telling me to do. I'm going to the studio late so hopefully no ones there but I really need to get out of the house and music always makes me feel better.

I get to the studio and sit behind the booth. I grab a piece of paper and just start writing random lyrics. I write some chorus', some rhymes, some one liners, even some full verses. That takes about three hours just to get my thoughts down. Then I go sit behind the piano and just think about what I wanna use. I find a beautiful chorus and say it in my head until I hear the music to it. I play what I hear and eventually end with a chorus.

Once I move on to the first verse the door opens and its my manager Phil. I go out and smile.

"Hey Demz." He says going to give me a hug.

I give him one back but then suddenly can't breathe.

I trusted Ryan and he turned around and screwed me over.

Can I trust anybody?

I start to have a panic attack and pull back.

"Demi.." He says.

"I gotta go." I say running out of the booth, not even grabbing my purse or phone. I just need fresh air. I run outside and take deep breathes. I hear Phil behind me... I don't know what to do so I just start running... And I don't stop.


Wilmer POV

"Fucker." I say as the murderer is found on an episode of dateline. It wasn't who I thought it was. I was never good at guessing who it was. That was always Demi's job.

I find something else to watch but as I'm scrolling through channels my phone goes off. Its Demi. I ignore but then hear it beep saying I got a voicemail. I pick it up, hesitate, but then press play.

"Hey Wilmer, its Phil. I don't even know if I should be calling you about this but I think some things wrong with Demi. She was in the studio recording and when I walked in and gave her a hug she just shut down. She started to have a panic attack and ran out. I tried to chase after her but she kept running. She left all of her stuff here, purse, phone, keys, everything and I have no idea where she is. I was hoping you may know where she's going or what happened? Call me back when you can. Thanks."

I dial her number and Phil answers.

"Hey man." I say as he answers. He explains basically what he said over the voicemail but he's more paniced.

"I drove all down the streets, back streets, went into the stores on the road she ran down... Nothing." He says.

"Calm down Phil... I'm sure she's fine. She probably just needs some alone time. She'll show up."

"Your not gonna look for her?" Phil asks.

"We broke up... A little while ago.. Your calling the wrong guy. Look through her phone and find Ryan... That's who you wanna call." I say before hanging up.

I throw my phone on the couch and go upstairs. I lay in bed and eventually dose off.


I'm awaken to pounding on my door. I go downstairs and the banging starts again. I look at the time, 3:47am. I look through the peep hole but its covered. I get into the closet quickly and grab a baseball bat before swinging the door open.

"Fuck." I say throwing the bat down as I see Demi standing there.

"Nice to see you too." She says walking in shakily. I flinch at the stench from her breath.

"Are you drunk?" I ask Demi.

"Yeah." She says like I'm oblivious. She falls into the nightstand in the living room and knocks the lamp off of it.

"Sit down." I say helping her.

I go get a glass of water and Advil for when she wakes up tomorrow morning cause she's gonna need it.

"What're you doing?" I ask. I haven't seen her drunk since 2012.

"Shhh.... Don't tell Wilmer." She says.

"Don't tell Wilmer what?" I ask.

She starts to cough and then lays her head down on my leg.

"I'm tired." She says yawning. Before I can respond she's out.

I lay her up right and cover her up before going up to my bed. I lock the door in case drunk Demi tries something and then I go to bed.


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