Aria and Exams

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Wilmer POV

"Good morning." I say opening the door when Aria gets over.

She walks in and smiles at Julian playing on his floor mat with a toy and he smiles back.

Aria and I have been seeing each other for a few weeks now. It's nothing to serious but I've grown an actual liking for this girl. We were friends way before the affair, we have a lot of history so I decided to give it a try.

I know what I said about Demi last night wasn't the right things to be thinking when I have a girlfriend but Demi and I are done. We've said our goodbye and I'm just a friend helping her out when she needs it like I always will be.

She was suppose to come over last night after Julian went to bed but when everything happened with Demi I told her to wait until the morning. She may have her problems with Demi but she would never wish this on her and understands why I'm letting her stay here.

"How is she?"

"I don't know. She hasn't woken up yet. She wasn't too good last night and had a lot of trouble sleeping." She nods. "Once again, I'm sorry about last night."

"Stop apologizing... Its okay." She says scooting closer to me. We share a kiss but it gets broken up by little hands on my legs. I look to see Julian at my feet wanting to get onto my lap.

I pick him up. "Let's go see if mommy's awake. I'm sure she'd love to see your handsome face in the morning." I say in my baby voice talking to him.

"I'll be back."

"Take your time." She says.

I knock on the guest room door before opening it. Demi's standing at the dresser brushing her hair.

"Good morning."

"Dallas is coming to pick me up for my doctors appointment."

"I could of taken you."

"That's alright. I'd rather go with her actually if you don't mind." She says not making eye contact with me.

"Okay... Everything okay?" I look over at the bed and see her bag of stuff packed from when we unpacked it last night. "Whats with the bag?"

She puts her brush down and turns to me.

"I'm gonna stay with Dallas."


"I know its none of my business and that's probably why you didn't tell me, or maybe it's because I'd be pissed off that she was around my son, but I don't feel comfortable staying here when you have a girlfriend..." I look down. "And im sure she's not happy about me staying here either." She says turning back to the mirror to finish her hair.

"She doesn't mind that your here first of all..." She goes over to her ringing phone. It must be Dallas telling her that she's here. She grabs her bag and starts to head out. I follow her.

"Hey, Demi." Aria says stopping her. "I know we've had our differences but I am sorry for everything that happened... I wouldn't wish that upon anybody."

"Thank you." Demi says giving her a reassuring smile which Aria returns. Demi walks out and I follow her.

"Demi will you please just stop and talk to me... Look im sorry I didn't tell you about Aria."

"I don't care about that Wilmer. What I care about is that fact that your dating another woman but still got in the same bed with me last night."

"You asked me too." I retort.

"Because you offered! Without telling me you were seeing somebody... If I'd known you were seeing her I would of said no! I've been there Wilmer. It doesn't feel nice to get cheated on and I don't-" I cut her off

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