Starting Fresh

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Demi ends up sleeping throughout the night and into the next morning... She was literally exhausted which makes it even harder for me to leave when I have to go back to work... I don't know what I'm doing yet. I was able to get a little extra time but I can't blow off work forever... We have a season to finish filming... There's about six episodes left to film which will take about two months to do... We have a week of break in between so I have to find a way to work and be there for Demi and JJ at the same time...

JJ wakes me up around six in the morning and he decides its time to stay up. He won't go back to sleep so whatever little man wants, little man gets. I don't wake Demi, I decide to let her catch up on her sleep as much as she needs. Besides, I was gone from JJ for a few days and need to catch up on my daddy son time.

With him being a new born there's not much to do. I don't wanna take him out and expose him to the sun just yet with him only being a few days old so the parks out of the question but Demi does have some of her backyard shaded so I decide to take him out there for a little bit. We just sit on the chair and I talk to him and stuff...


Demi POV.

I wake up, god knows when. I feel like I've been out for days but it was great to finally be able to sleep. I love Julian but I didn't realize it would be this difficult...

I look at the clock and its ten in the morning... I've slept for a good while... I go downstairs and notice nobody's here... His cars still here so I look out back and see Wilmer on the chair holding Julian. I walk out and he looks up at me.

"Hey." He says standing up.

"You weren't suppose to let me sleep that long."

"Why not... You needed it... And besides, Julian and I have had a blast these past few hours right bud?" He says moving to the side to show Julian's face which shows an overwhelming amount of joy... Notice the sarcasm?

"Well I had fun." Wilmer says shrugging. I laugh. "We've actually been up since 6 so I'm gonna go feed him and put him down for his nap.

"I'll do it." I say holding my arms out. He hands me Julian and I go inside, heading upstairs.

I go into his room and sit down on the rocking chair...

"Alright bubba." I say starting to feed him... After he eats I burp him, change him, and put him to bed. I put him in my room cause he sleeps better in the crib anyways, grab the monitor and go downstairs.

Wilmers sitting on the couch, drinking something out of a cup and watching TV.

I sit next to him and grab the remote, muting the TV.

"I'm sorry... About everything." I say.

"If anyway has to be sorry it's me."

"Why?" I ask confused.

"I said things I shouldn't of... And I left instead of owning up to it... That's always what you've been scared of... Me leaving."

"But I always knew you'd come back..."

"And how'd you know that?" He asks.

"Cause your so damn persistant." I say in an exhausting expression. "Like this whole JJ thing... Your so persistant on calling him that."

"It's a nice name!"

"So is Julian."

"Yeah but I'm planning for the future you see... When he goes into school he'll have a cool nickname."

"Oh yeah cause JJ is so cool."

"It is!" He says. We both laugh. "You know what I loved about us?" He asks.

A Cheaters Nightmare: A Dilmer FanficWhere stories live. Discover now