Going Home

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The last two day spent at the hospital have been nothing short of perfection. Wilmer's family came out and got to see Julian as well as mine. My grandparents, cousins, everyone flew up for the day yesterday. They only stayed for the day so we will definitely have to visit once Julian is old enough to fly. I don't want him flying for awhile...

Marissa is coming up next week. Shes so upset she missed his birth but couldn't really do anything about it. She was gonna fly up but then got held up and couldn't. I understood and send her millions of pictures a day. We have officially made her Julian's godmother which made her even more upset that she wasn't here.

Wilmer hasn't gone home since he's been born... I keep telling him to go and get a shower or something but he refuses to leave... He wants to be here, during the day for Julian and then when the nurse takes Julian back to the nursery for the night he doesn't want to leave me alone... I told him I'm fine but he refuses which I think is kind of sweet.

Today we finally get to take him home.

He was born on June 29 which means 4th of July is coming up which is technically our first holiday with him... But with him being a few days old we probably won't do anything anyways...

I'm stepping out of the bathroom connected to my hospital room dressed in my own clothes for the first time in a few days. I notice Julian in his outfit I picked out looking like a tiny little doll in his carrier. Wilmer is grabbing the hospital bag after packing it for me.

"Ready to go?" He asks.

I nod. He grabs the handle of the carrier and we finally get to take our son home.


"Welcome home." Wilmer says as he opens up the front door to my house. The second we put Julian in the car he went ballistic. He cried and screamed the entire way home but quiet down after we got him out of the car... Maybe he just doesn't like car rides... I don't know.

Wilmer takes his carrier to the couch and I sit down, unbuckling him and picking him up, craddling him between my chest and arm. I sit with him like that for awhile while Wilmer gets a shower. He was in desperate need for one.

I lay down on the couch and lay Julian on top of me keeping both my hands craddling his tiny body as he sleeps peacefully on my chest.

I try to doze off but before I actually fall asleep Wilmer comes down.

"Is he asleep?" He asks quietly.

"Yeah." I whisper back with my eyes shut letting him know I want to go to sleep too. I feel him lift my feet up and then the end of the couch sink, followed by my feet resting on his lap as he gives me a relaxing foot massage.

I soon end up falling asleep.


I wake up just around dinner time. I freak out at first when Julian's not on top of me but calm down when I see him in his swing looking around the house.

"Hi handsome boy... Did daddy feed you yet?" I ask picking him up. I do breast feed but at night when he needs to be fed Wilmer wants to help out so I pump as well.

I walk into the kitchen to find him cooking dinner.

"Did you feed him?" I ask.

"Yeah... Twice..." He says laughing.

"How long have I been asleep?"

"A few hours but he needs to eat every two..." He says referring to the schedule the doctors have us. He eats a certain amount every two hours until he starts getting a bigger appetite. Then it'll change to less frequently and more of a portion.

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