36# Need You Now

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Song: Need You Now- Lady Antebellum.
"How are you feeling?" I smiled faintly at Christina.
"I'm okay. Where's Harry?" She whispered.
"Don't panic, okay?"
"What's wrong?" Her eyes widened.
"He made an accident- but-" I motioned for her to calm down. "He's fine. Just a few bruises here and there, but he's perfectly fine."
"Then why didn't he come to see me?" Tears started falling from her eyes.
"He can't leave without making scans and tests, but he'll be here in no time-" I was cut off by the nurse stepping in with the cute baby girl.
"Oh, she's so beautiful." I smiled.
"You have to feed her." The nurse told Christina. "Do you know how to hold her?"
"Yeah." She nodded taking the baby.
"Call me if you need anything."
"I'll check on Harry." I winked at her before walking out with the nurse.

"How're they?" He whispered.
"They're good. You've got a lovely girl." I smiled.
"Doctor, I can't wait any longer. I want to see my kid." He whined.
"We're done, but come back to take the results."
"Fine." He nodded.
"The nurse will get you a wheel chair."
"I'll walk. It's fine." He dismissed as my phone started ringing.
It's Maria.
"Hello, Maria." I answered.
"Miss Dareen, you have to be here right now. Sir Elliot asked about you, and he's furious."
"Don't you know what is the problem?" I frowned.
"No, ma'am. He just asked to see you."
"Okay, I'm on my way." I sighed.
"What's wrong?" Harry turned to me.
"Elliot wants me urgently. I don't know." I shrugged. "This is the room, okay? I have to go."
"Okay. Drive safe."
"I will." I nodded.
"Sir Elliot is waiting for you in his office." Patricia said once she spotted me.
"Maria told me. I'll just put my bag in my office first." I smiled walking past her and to my office.
Before I could shut the door, Elliot was right behind me.
"I was coming to see you. Heard that you needed me. I called you, but-"
"What's that?" He snapped slamming a sheet of paper on my desk.
"What?" I frowned not getting it.
"It happened that I was sitting with my uncle that he got a call that someone took money that we both didn't know about."
"I took them-"
"You did cause no one has the pin code other than the three of us." He glared at me.
"Watch your tone, Elliot." I warned. "I'm sorry, but let me explain." I sighed.
"I'm waiting for a good reason to take money that is not yours just like this!" He paused, "nor mine."
"You're thinking that if I had another choice, I would have taken them?" I narrowed my eyes.
"I want to know that urgent reason." He crossed his arms.
"Well," I took a deep breath, "Christina called me, and I had to take her to the hospital."
"Where's her boyfriend?"
"She called Harry, but when he was on his way, he made an accident, so she had no choice, but to call me." I paused.
"Continue." He motioned for me to carry on.
"In the hospital, I tried to call Harry again, but a stranger answered, and I told him to bring him to the same hospital, but then they told me that I had to pay at least fifty percent or some shit like that."
"So? You took the money without asking anyone."
"I called you so much, but you never answered!"
"That's bullshit!" He yelled making me flinch. "You could've waited a bit, or even asked Sir Adam or called Christina's father! You could've done anything, but you chose the easy way out! Now, I look like shit in front of my uncle!!"
"I'm sorry. I'll call sir Adam and apologise and Harry will give me the money later, and I'll return it to you very soon." I sighed.
"It's not about the money, it's about the concept, Dareen. I think you're tired these days, so I signed two weeks off for you."
"I think I need a longer break," I gritted on my teeth to hold my tears as I pulled the third drawer open. "It's time for you to accept this." I handed it for him.
"What's this?" He frowned.
"My resignation letter." I answered taking off my ring. "This is yours, too." I shook my head handing it to him.
"Dareen, put it back on."
"If you don't trust me with your money, then how would you trust me with your babies?" I whispered as tears started to blur my vision.
"No, I trust you-"
"Shh- I'm fine. I accept my punishment even if it too harsh. I really do." I sighed picking up my bag before walking past him and outside.
"Dareen, are you okay?" Ansel asked me.
"I am." I nodded looking at my feet to hide my tears.
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing's wrong!" I yelled dragging everyone's attention. "Please leave me alone." I sighed walking past him.
"Are you sure about what you did?" Mark sighed.
"I was too angry. I really can't believe that I let her go because of some money. She didn't do it right, but I think I fucked up badly."
"You did." He agreed.
"Thanks for making me feel better." I rolled my eyes.
"What you said has one meaning, and you know it. No woman with dignity will stay after accusing her of stealing!"
"I didn't. I was just- blaming her."
"You know what you did so well. Don't start with the lies." He shook his head as I refilled my glass with vodka. "Enough with this."
"Let me drink." I whined as he pulled it out of my hand.
"C'mon, let me take you back home." He sighed pulling me up.
"Do you think she'll ever forgive me?"
"You broke her. I don't know, but if I were in her shoes, I'd honestly never forget what you said."
"I'm so horrible." I whispered.
"You have to focus on your work if you don't want to lose everything." He warned as we got in the car.

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