24. Swept Away

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As soon as Jungkook and Jin entered the CEO's house, they both went straight to the dining room and found Hobi, Yoongi, Jimin and Bang Sihyuk already seated there.

"You must be hungry, son. Have a seat, both of you." The CEO then signaled for the maids to serve their food, and after just a couple minutes, several bowls were already coming out of the kitchen.

Jin thought it was an odd time to eat after everything that happened. He still couldn't even sort out his emotions after his conversation with his Esper earlier. So he clearly had no appetite.

But to his surprise, Jungkook right away ate his bowl of jjampong when it was served in front of him. The Esper just quietly ate and finished his noodles in an instant.

"Guide Seokjin, you should eat. It's been a long day." Bang said.

As Jin picked his chopsticks up, Jungkook had his already placed down. The Esper spoke, "Make it short, dad. I'd like to rest soon."

So the CEO stopped eating and said, "Okay. First of all, I owe Guide Seokjin an apology for having him go thru such experimentation. However, as someone in this profession, I thought he knew what it was to be like a Guide.

Nevertheless, learning that he has not done these ways of guiding before, I apologize for putting you on the spot, Guide Seokjin."

"I appreciate your apology, CEO Bang." Jin muttered.

"Dad, that's not the only thing--"

"Jungkookie, I am not done yet."

"Don't call me that anymore, dad!"

"Okay, Jungkook it is. Jungkook, I had a thought that you will not like what I did, but I did not expect you to be so worked up like that.

Do you have a relationship with Guide Seokjin that we don't know about?! I know he is exclusive to you, but he is still a Guide. The things he did were normal for a Guide to do and those things--"

"Those things were things he did only with me! And I-- I did them only with him!! Do I have to spell it out for you, dad?!!" Jungkook exclaimed.

"Jungkook, no raising of voice on the dining table." Hoseok softly muttered.

"I understand." The CEO let out a sigh. "Again, I'm sorry. It won't happen again. However, we still need to study Guide Seokjin further. We need some sort of explanation for how he could guide you like this.

As to how we'll be able to continue with the experiment, I must find another way. Jungkook, will you be able to entrust Guide Seokjin to do the research with someone closer to you? An Esper you trust the most.."

Hoseok flinched a bit when their father suddenly turned to look at him. This caused Jungkook's eyebrows to furrow as he looked at his brother, then to Yoongi.

Jungkook quickly said, "You've gotta be fucking kidding me-- Yoongi-hyung, did you already agree to this?!!"

Yoongi remained silent so it was the CEO who spoke, "Your brother and the Chief Guide are always prioritizing their profession more than their relationship. As it should be."

"And what- you expect me to do the same?" Jungkook asked. He glanced once again at Hoseok whose head was lowered as he only listened. Then Jungkook said, "Even if they prioritize their duties first, it does not mean that they're not hurt about it. So stop it, dad! Don't drag Hoseok-hyung into this!"

Hoseok quickly said, "Jungkook--"

"Shut it, hyung! Look dad, I'll just do it. If it really needs to be done, then I'll do the experiment with Guide Seokjin."

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