01.the little things

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~September 12, 1939 (approximately 7:15 p.m.)~

It's been a year since the incident in the park happened, and since then Jinx have found her with two new friends. Bucky and Steve made such a difference in her life, Jinx use to be quiet and to herself but now she's loud, sociable, and always have a smile on her face.

Tonight was the going to be the big opening to a dancing club for young people 18-25, since Bucky and Steve are 21 and Jinx is 19 they all could go, but the chances of Jinx getting in was slim. Being a minority around this time was difficult, she wasn't allowed in a lot places, so they were all hoping this club would be different.

Jinx stood in front of a mirror, brushing her hair gently and smiling ton herself. Bucky haven't made it back to the apartment yet, so it was just her and Steve. Steve sat on the couch reading a newspaper but also allowed himself to glance at Jinx every once in a while, he thought that her beauty was beyond compare. He loved everything about her. Her kind heart, beautiful smile, and positive attitude.

"I see you looking at me, Steve. Something you want to say?" Jinx asked as she turned to look at him with a wide grin on her face.

"Uh-well-you look beautiful." Steve told her, but blushed right away afterward. Jinx shook her head and walked over to him to sit next to him on the couch, she a laid her head on his thin shoulder. Steve tensed up for a second but end up relaxing.

"I've been around you for a year...and I still make you nervous." Jinx said mostly to herself.

"I'll never stop not being nervous around you, Jinx." Steve told the young woman who laid her head on his shoulder. Jinx smiled but then a thought ran through her mind and she end up frowning.

"What if I can't get into that club, Steve?"

"Then we'll have to come back here and dance....just us two."

"Sounds promising...and romantic." Jinx said as she reached over and placed her hand over Steve's, at the touch Steve started breathing heavily. Jinx got worried and looked at him.

"Steve, are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Don't worry. Should we go on and try to meet Bucky at the club, he should be heading there soon?" Steve said standing up and reaching his hand out for Jinx to grab, she gladly took it. Steve walked over to the door and opened it, motioning for Jinx to go first.

They continued to talk as they walked down the busy streets of New York. There were moments where Jinx would clench on to her jacket tightly as the chilly wind would hit her body, and Steve would offer her his jacket for extra warmth but Jinx would kindly decline his offer. They arrived at the club and Jinx noticed the sign in bold before Steve did.

"No Minorities Allowed"

Jinx placed her hand on Steve's shoulder and pointed at the sign with a deep sigh of disappointment. Steve rolled his eyes at the sign and looked back at his friend and held out his hand.

"Would you like to go back to your apartment and share a dance with me?" Steve asked gently with a smile. Jinx looked down at him and nodded slowly and together they happily walked back to her apartment.

~30 minutes later~

Steve and Jinx walked in the apartment moments layer after stopping by the club to find that Jinx was not allowed in. Jinx walked over to her stereo and it started playing a slow, romantic classical piece. Jinx turned around to look at Steve, she blushed when she found him already staring at her.

"May I have this dance?" Steve nervously asked once again holding his hand out for her to take it. Jinx gladly took his hand. To most people, the would look awkward with Steve's head on her chest and her head on top of his, but there was no denying that they were happy with just being around them. They didn't want to stop dancing, being trapped in this moment was like Paradise for them both, but the song ended and so did the dance.

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