02.the girl with white hair

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~November 7, 1941~

Being a scientist was something Jinx thought she'd never be, but being a solider is also something she thought she'd never be and here she is.

After a while of working in the lab and gaining a new friend or two, Dr. Erskine and Howard Stark, the commander for the army would watch her from to day to day, studying her every move. The decided to offer a spot as in the army to train other soldiers, well, after she get some training of course. Jinx was stunned but Howard basically begged her to accept the offer so he could have a lab to himself most days, so she did, she was now training herself to train others.

"I'll bet you'd look good in uniform." Howard told her as he winked at her, of course making her blush.

"Why don't you stick it where the sun doesn't shine? I'm spoken for." Jinx said sassily as she returned to her work writing different formulas for Dr. Erskine to look at.

"Really?" Howard asked with his eyebrow raised.

"Well, not really, but I'm in love with someone. And I write him everyday and he writes me back."


"You know, Howard, when are you going to settle for one girl and have kids?" Jinx asked with a smirk as she placed her notes on the table near her.

"When I'm rich..."

"You're already rich."

"When I'm richer then..." Howard said with a cheeky smile, Jinx scoffed and went back to her work. Only minutes later did Dr. Erskine come into the lab with four samples of the "super solider" dosage. Three of them were blue and thick looking, but he also carried one sample that was orange. Jinx frowned at the coloring but didn't question the genius. In his other hand was a cup flavored water that he made just for Jinx knowing that she liked it.

"Mr. Stark and Ms. Gomez, nice to you two working together." Abraham Erskine said as he sat the samples beside Jinx, he smiled and gave her the water and she said a simple, "Thank you." Abraham went over to the sink to wash his and before putting testing chemicals and other products. Jinx put her opened drink beside the samples absent mindedly as she continued her work. Abraham turned on the water to wash his hand but when his skin touch the water, he flinched back because the heat of the water was too much for him. Jinx turned around quickly knocking over the orange sample and allowing it to pour right into her drink, but she didn't notice the action.

"Are you okay?" Jinx asked the older man as she watched him rub his hand.

"Oh yes, I'm fine." Abraham said with a smile. Jinx nodded and turned around to start her writing again, but then she picked up her drink and started to drink it to the last drop. Abraham properly washed his hands with no problems the second time, he walked over to the samples and immediately notice that the orange sample was gone. He looked frantically around but then noticed a cup in the trash and how at the bottom it glowed orange, the cup looked familiar and he put two and two together. He turned to Jinx right before she pasted out, falling to the floor. Howard quickly walked over the Jinx trying to get her to wake up.

"Oh, no. What have I done?" Erskine said shaking his head at the state Jinx was in. Howard pressed two fingers against her neck and smiled, strong pulse.

"She's alive."

"Get her to a doctor. Quickly, please." Erskine watched as Howard carried her out of the room, he then turned to the bottle where the orange serum used to be and started studying it.

~December 7, 1941~

It's been a whole month since the incident happened, and Jinx was still unconscious. Dr. Erskine and Howard would visit her everyday as long as they could. They were afraid that if she woke up and looked at herself, she'd be shock as to what she sees. Her hair was no longer dark, it was now white, but still beautiful. When the doctors would lift her eyelid to check on her eyes, one moment is was her normal hazel but then the next moment it would an white color to match her hair.

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