05.the rude soldier

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~1942 Brooklyn, New York~

Jinx had her suitcase and everything ready for her leave to New Jersey to help train new soldiers into the army division. Dr. Erskine was hoping to run into her before she take her leave, and luckily he did.

"Ah, Jinx." Dr. Erskine said as he walked into the small room where she was moving some things. Jinx stopped what she was doing to look at the older scientist with a smile.

"Yes, Abraham?"

"I wanted to give you this." He pulled out a pair of sunglasses. Jinx was confused as to why he was giving her the dark pair of glasses but she took them anyway. "In case you lose control of your power and something happens. I don't want people knowing about until after we inject the serum in our super solider candidate. If you don't already know, your eyes turn white when you use your power."

"I know, but I don't plan to use my power. I do trust your judgement so I will where them in the public eye. Okay?" Jinx said putting on the sunglasses. "I must look pretty uneducated. It's cloudy out."

"The make it sunny." Dr. Erskine said with a wink, he turned to walk out of the room but Jinx stopped him by tapping his shoulder. "Yes?"

"You won't be there for the training?"

"I might be a little late, but I'll there. See you then, Jinx."

Jinx watched the scientist leave the room. She smiled to herself and continued her packing.

~1942 New Jersey, Military Division~

Jinx stood outside on the field where she imagined the new soldiers to be by tomorrow, but then her heart broke when she imagined Steve running up and down the fields. She knew that Steve wouldn't want her pitying him, so she tried to convince herself that Steve could do this without having an asthma attack.

"Agent Gomez." The familiar serious American accent Jinx heard from a man just yesterday, Col. Chester Phillips said. Jinx turned around to see him accompanied by a young woman with dark hair and red lipstick.
"Yes, Chester?" Jinx asked with a smirk. The man just rolled his eyes, he would only let her get by calling him Chester but anyone else he'd give the death glare.

"This is Agent Carter, she'll be working with the division coming tomorrow with you. Is there any problem with that?"

"No, no problem at all." Jinx said sending the lady a smile. Chester looked at her and raised an eyebrow.

"Mind telling me why you're wearing sunglasses, it's cloudy out."

"Oh, is it? I thought it was sunny." Just then Jinx uses her powers to make the sun come out. Chester looked around at the sudden change of weather and looked at Jinx with a shocked expression. Agent Carter was slightly shocked but she didn't allow her face to show it. Moments later Chester left to continue one of his duties, leaving the two women alone.

"Agent Peggy Carter, pleasure to meet you." Peggy said with a smile as she held her hand out. Jinx took it and shook her heard, firm but gentle.

"No, it's nice to meet you, Peggy. Are you ready to show these men coming in tomorrow the meaning of the word tough?" Jinx asked smiling at the woman. Peggy grinned and nodded in response. Jinx turned back to look at the field and whispered, "Let the games begin."

~1942 New Jersey, Military Division (That Next Day)~

Jinx and Peggy now stood in front of the new army recruit, Jinx smiled at Steve but he didn't see her, he remained professional and looked straight ahead. Steve never fail to make Jinx proud.

"Gentlemen, I'm Agent Carter and this is Agent Gomez. We supervise all operations of this division." Peggy said addressing the new army recruits with a serious expression.

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