08.the aftermath

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~1942 Brooklyn, New York~

Steve sat there as the nurse drew blood from his veins, just then Jinx walked in the room with her white hair tucked behind her ears. She greeted the nurse and then looked at Steve.

"Think you got enough?" Steve asked the nurse dryly referring to the amount of blood samples taken from him. The young girl nodded, she took the samples and left the room.

"There's no reason to be upset with her." Jinx told him as soon as the nurse was out of sight. Steve looked away from Jinx sadly, she immediately felt bad so she walked over to him and wrapped her arms around his neck bringing as much comfort as she possibly could. When they both pulled apart from each other, Jinx laid a comforting kiss upon his lips. Moments later Peggy walked into the room with a notepad in her hand.

"Any hope of reproducing a programme is locked in your genetic code. But without Dr. Erskine it will take years." Peggy told the pair in front of her. She was trying her best to ignore the intimacy between Steve and Jinx but it was hard to, it was obvious that they were in love and of course Jinx would comfort him.

"He deserved more than this." Steve said as he pulled Jinx closer to him. Jinx nodded, agreeing with Steve as she laid her head on his shoulder.

"If it could only work once more, he'd be proud it was you." Peggy told Steve encouraging him the best way she could.

"Colonel Phillips, my committee is demanding answers." A voice outside of the room said, Jinx thought he sound familiar but she wasn't sure. Peggy walked outside of the room first. Steve and Jinx exchanged a look, Steve grabbed her hand linking their fingers and walked outside of the room as well.

"Great, how about we start with the fact that a German spy got a ride to my secret installation in your car?" Chester sarcastically asked with his arms folded over his chest. They both then walked around to face Howard looking at the miniature submarine. "What do we got here?"

"Speaking modestly I'm the best mechanical engineer in this country. But, I don't know what's inside this thing or how it works. We're not even close to this technology." Howard said with a genuine worried face.

"Then who is?"

"Hydra." Jinx told the men making her presence known. Chester turned to look at her and then he noticed Steve and Jinx's hand, he said nothing but he certainly knew that there was something between them.

"Hydra is the Nazi deep science division. It's led by Johann Schmidt. But he has much bigger ambitions." Peggy said agreeing with Jinx immediately, the men in the room stared at Jinx and Peggy with eye brows raised.

"I've read some briefings. Don't look at me like that." Jinx softly demanded, and each man straightened up at her words.

"Hydra's practically a cult. They worship Schmidt, they think he's invincible." Chester commented getting the attention of Jinx before any questions were asked which she was grateful for.

"So what are you gonna do about it?" Senator Brandt asked. Jinx then remembered his name and nodded.

"Spoke to the president this morning. As of today the SSR is being retasked."

"Colonel?" Peggy asked.

"We are taking the fight to Hydra. Pack your bags Agent Carter and Agent Gomez. You too, Stark. You're flying to London tonight." Chester said making his decision. Jinx felt Steve's grip tighten on her hand as Chester gave her a new leave to London. Steve felt sick to his stomach. He just got his girl back and now they want her to leave again.

"Sir, if you're going after Schmidt, I want in." Steve said as soon as the words about leaving to go after Schmidt left Chester's mouth.

"You're an experiment. You're going to Alamogordo."

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