Chapter 11

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••Nicole's Pov••
We got the wedding invitations done and had sent them out. We sent some to bands we met from warped tour like ptv, bmth, and sws. We had also sent Andy's parents some so they could come visit.

"Alright, the invitations are sent out. Can you think of anyone else you might want to invite to the wedding?" Andy said sitting next to me. I had to think for a bit until I thought of my brother. How I missed him so much.

"I would like to invite my brother, I haven't seen him in 5 years." He nodded and I pulled out my phone calling him up. I just hope he hasn't forgotten about me.

"Hello?" I deep voice said on the end of the line. I took a deep breath before saying anything.

"Hi Jack, it's Nicole."

"Nicole?! I haven't seen you in a long time! How have you been??"

"I've been good. I umm..I was wondering if you would like to fly up to California?"

"What for? I thought you were still living with mom?"

"No. I'll explain all that later but I'm actually getting married.."

"Really! That's great news! How far away is the wedding?"

"Well um, it's going to be two months after Bubba-"


"I'm 7 months pregnant."

"That's wonderful! How come you haven't called sooner?"

"Look I'll catch up with you about everything when you come down. But the wedding is in 4 months."

"I'll be there for sure! Just send an invitation down so I can keep up with the date!" I said okay and hung up, looking at Andy who was already making up another invitation. I was really glad that my brother would be coming down, even better to get to see him after a long time. I just didn't bother with my sister nor my mother.


I was sitting in the recording area with the group while Shae practiced on her drums. Soon I felt a terrible pain. I bent over, crying out and clutching my stomach. "What's wrong!" Tommy said standing up.

"THE BABY IS COMING!" She yelled for Shae and they both rushed me out to the car. Shit! The time has come too soon!

I got into the passenger side and called Andy. "Hel-"

"NICOLE IS IN LABOR! GET YOUR ASS DOWN TO THE HOSPITAL ASAP!" I said before he could even finish his sentence. Nicole was in the backseat, crying out in pain. I reached back to grab her hand only to feel her squeeze the crap out of mine. Holy shit did that hurt!

••Andy's Pov••
I got in my car, racing to the hospital. Shit shit shit shit! The time has come too soon but the faster the better. I pulled into the lot and ran into the waiting room. "Yes?" The lady said. Before I could say anything, Tommy came out and dragged me back.

I saw Nicole laying on the bed, squeezing Shae's hand. "FUCK!" She yelled as Nicole released. I sat next to her as a doctor came in and gave her some medicine.

"You ready for this?" She said looking over at me.

"I couldn't be more ready than I ever am right now." I smiled and grabbed her hand.

About 6 hours later, Nicole was screaming again as she was giving birth. It hurt like hell when she squeezed my hand but I didn't say anything. "It's a boy!" The doctor said holding Bubba. He set him down in a little thing as they cleaned him off. I looked over at Nicole who had tears streaming down her face.

••Nicole's Pov••
Once I heard the cries fill the room, my heart stopped. Bubba. I started taking deep breaths glad it was finally over. "Would you like to hold him?" The doctor said walking up to me. I nodded and opened my arms. He was beautiful.

"Hi Bubba! I'm your mommy." I couldn't believe I finally holding my son. I looked at Andy who was crying. This moment was worth the wait..


We finally got released from the hospital and I was glad to be out. Bvb and Rebel Pride had congratulated us along with several fans and other bands. It was so exciting!

"I'm so glad to be home!" I said walking inside.

"You'll be even more glad once you see Bubba's room!" Andy said walking me upstairs. I laughed some as he led me to my old room. Once we got there, I felt like I was about to cry.

"Batman themed. I love you so much Andy!" I said pecking his lips.

"You wouldn't believe how hard it was putting all this together in a week! But it was worth it for him." He leaned down and kissed his head, my heart nearly melting from how adorable it was.

"Do you mind watching Bubba while I go take a shower? I really need one." He took him out of my hands and I started on my way to the bathroom.

Right before I was about to get in, I got a text for Shae.

Shae~ dude, we still need to go dress shopping for your wedding! We have two months to get it done!

Me~ fuck I completely forgot! Alright, I ask Andy if he's okay with watching Bubba. I can't do it this week tho

Shae~ don't worry, I got it scheduled. It's in two weeks! Congrats and the baby again!

Me~ thnx!

I put my phone down and continued on with my shower. How it felt super good to take a shower after give birth. I spent two weeks in the hospital, and then I have two weeks until we go dress shopping.

I stepped in, letting the warm water run down my body. I relaxed some but knew having a baby wouldn't be easy. The main question I asked myself is who would watch Bubba while we were on tour? I pushed the thought aside and continued on with my shower. That was something to worry about later and not now.

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