Chapter 15

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••Nicole's Pov••
I hunched over the toilet as I ached in pain from throwing up so much. I pulled out my phone and called Tommy.


"Tommy! Get over here quick! I've been throwing up like crazy!" I said cutting her off.

"Be there asap!" She said and hung up. Bubba was sitting by the door chewing on his batman doll and I quickly faced back towards the toilet and vomited again.

Soon Tommy was in the bathroom with me, holding my hair back as I threw up. "Do you think you could be pregnant again?" She said rubbing my back.

"Possibly. I don't know! Andy's on tour though."

"Well he did come to visit a month ago and I rem-"

"Oh yea. I forgot about that. Just take me to the doctors please. I've already made an appointment. I need to be there by 5:00." Tommy nodded and picked up Bubba and started out towards the car.


We entered the doctors and I walked up to the front desk to sign in and went to sit down. We waited for about 15 minutes until a man came out. "Nicole Biersack?" He said. I got up and walked to the back with Tommy behind me.

"Please have a seat on the table." He said pointing towards the table. I hopped up on the table and lifted up my shirt as I shivered when he placed the cold gel in my tummy.

"So you think your pregnant Mrs.Biersack?" He said looking at me.

"Yes sir, I already have a 7 month old that my friend is currently holding onto." He nodded and started moving the wand around.

"Well indeed you are. There's your baby right there!" He said pointing to the screen. I couldn't believe I was going to have another kid.

"How far along am I?" I asked wiping my tummy off.

"Your a month." He said with a smile. I nodded and took Bubba from Tommy and joined her walking down the hallway. I couldn't believe I was pregnant again. Andy will be so surprised when he gets home.


*A Month Later*
I heard the bus pull up and walked to the door with Bubba and crow at my feet, waiting for Andy to walk inside. Soon the door opened and he greeted my with a smile.

He took Bubba and made silly talk for a while until he pulled me in for a hug. "Andy..I-i have to tell you something." I said looking down. His smile faded and I knew I shouldn't be worried about this, but for some reason I was.

"I'm pregnant again." He set Bubba down and pulled me in for another hug.

"This is great!" He said with a big smile. "How far along are you??"

"Two months. I go in to find the gender next month." He nodded as I picked up Bubba and pecked his lips.

"Another kid. Seems like only yesterday you were moving in." I smiled and joined him on the couch. I was ready to find out what the gender was, this time I was hoping it was a girl.

*A Month Later*
I walked down the hall with Andy behind me holding Bubba. The lady pointed to the table and I got up doing the same as before. I just hated the cold gel.

After a while of moving the wand around she smiled and showed us the screen. "There's your baby! Would you like to know the gender?" She said looking at us. I nodded and felt as Andy grabbed my hand

"Congratulations! You two are having a baby girl!" I felt a test run down my cheek as I looked at Andy who was holding Bubba.

"Did you hear that lil man? Your going to have a baby sister!" He said talking in a baby voice. I laughed some and got up, pulling down my shirt. "What do you want to name her?" I said putting Bubba in the car seat.

"I named Bubba, now it's your turn to name the girl." He said starting the car. It was always hard for me to choose names but there was one I really liked.

"How bout Max Carson Biersack?" I said looking at him. And smiled, rubbing my thigh. "I love it."


It's been six months and we decided to hold the baby shower in the same day as Bubba's first birthday! It was a batman themed party.

"Nicole!" Andy called from downstairs. I walked out of the bedroom in sweatpants and a hoodie and met Andy in the living room. "Yes?" I said looking at him.

"Watch this!" He said letting go of Bubba. He took his first step! This was amazing! I went to the kitchen and got the camera and going back to the living room to film him.

"Okay Bubba, walk to mommy!" I said sitting across from Andy. He started towards me, his arms held up to me.

"Ma!" He said. What? He spoke!

"Andy! He spoke!" I felt some tears escape as I picked him up. I couldn't believe he spoke! Andy got up and pulled us into a hug. He spoke on his birthday!

Soon people started showing up and we did the same thing as we did Bubba. Get a box but this time it was pink balloons inside. And we decided we would have Bubba open it.

Once everyone started settling down after cake, we all gathered in the living room for the revealing. Andy held bubba as he helped opened the box. Bubba pulled out a balloon and everyone cheered.

"Congrats on having a baby girl this time!" Sammi said grabbing the balloon that Andy tossed. I smiled as I pulled out Max's name sign and watched as both bands clapped and high fived one another. Bubba took his first step and spoke his first word on his birthday, and we were having a baby girl. Nothing better than this could happen!

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