Chapter 14

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••Andy's Pov••
I dragged my luggage downstairs and put it by the door. "Are you sure you'll be okay here? I would hate for you to stay home alone for 4 months" I said pulling Nicole close.

"Yes I'm sure. I have my band to help me out if I need anything, besides we can still Skype and talk."

"Okay, I'll fly out as soon as I can when I'm free. I promise." I pressed my lips to hers before I picked up my things. I really hated to leave so soon but i couldn't ditch the guys.

I turned around and waved right before the driver closed the doors. "Don't worry man, she has her friends to help out. At least you two got married and didn't have any troubles with Juliet or her mom." CC said laying a card down. I nodded and dragged my luggage back to the bunks. This should be fun.

••Nicole's Pov••
The first week of Andy being gone wasn't so bad. I had Bubba and Crow to keep me company, but it started to get boring around the house.

I picked up my phone and texted Tommy and Shae.

Me~ hey! Ya'll want to come over?

Shae~ sure! Is everything alright?

Me~ yea, just bored.

Tommy~ bored or not I need something to do!

Shae~ same here :(

Me~ how bout ya'll stay a couple nights?

Shae~ I don't have anything planned for the rest of the week, I'm in!

Tommy~ same here! I'll be over as soon as I'm done sweeping!

Me~ kk, I just put Bubba down for a nap so we have a few hours until he wakes up.

Shae~ awesome

Tommy~ kk

I felt bad that we never did anything with Chayce not Jason but then again, they were always spending a lot of time together.

••Andy's Pov••
"GOODNIGHT EVERYBODY!" I yelled into the mic as I ran off stage. It's the first month of warped and it was kind of hard not getting to be with Nicole. Especially leaving her with Bubba.

I walked down to our booth with the guys and sat down getting ready for signing. "Man this first month is almost over, tour always goes by so fast!" Ashley said.

"I'll be right back, Ima go get my lighter from the bus." I said and got up. I needed a quick smoke before meet and greet and needed an excuse to check my phone without the guys jumping me about it.

I got to the bus and got in, sitting down on the mini couch and pulling out my phone. I saw some notifications from Twitter and opened them. People still congratulating us on Bubba and the wedding.

I checked Nicole's Twitter and saw that the girls were there with her. That's good they are there to help out. "Hey Andy." A voice said making me cringe. I looked up to see Juliet entering the bus.

"What do you want?"

"Oh, I just wanted to say congrats on the wedding. It's just a shame you left her alone with your kid."

"Thanks and I would have stayed but I can't ditch the band. Plus she has her band to help her out with Bubba."

"I still don't understand why you would marry someone like her. She seems so unstable, I just can't believe you haven't told her how you really feel about her."

"What do you mean?"

"Oh that you just feel sorry for her. And taking it this far to get married to her? Wow. That's kind of low, but I'm not going to tell her. It can just be our little secret." She got closer and sat in my lap, facing towards me.

"Stop! I love Nicole and I don't need you to ruin it! Please go, now!" I said pushing her off me.

"Oh come on Andy-"

"JUST FUCKING LEAVE JULIET!" I snapped and felt rage come over me. I hated how she talked about Nicole like that, especially when I married her. I love her with all my heart, I wouldn't go this far just because I feel sorry for someone.

I walked back to the booth and joined the guys just as meet and greet was about to start. I didn't say anything about Juliet, the guys were too happy and I'm sure they didn't want to bother with girl trouble.


Today was our free day of tour and I decided to fly down and surprise Nicole. I got up to the house and slowly opened the door to see her laying down on the couch and Bubba in his crib.

Crow came running up to me and I patted his head before walking over the the living room. "Hey." I said hovering over her. She opened her eyes and a smile came over her face as she wrapped her arms around me.

"Oh it's so good to see you!!" She said sitting up.

"It's good to see you too! I have a free weekend and I wanted to spend it with you."

"How much longer of touring do you have??"

"Two more months and I'll be home!" She pecked my lips before picking up Bubba and handing him to me.

"Tommy was just on her way to pick him up, she said she was going to take her to the park for the day while I took a little break."

" Well that's good!" I smiled and pulled her close. How I've missed her a lot.


••Nicole's Pov••
After Tommy picked up Bubba. Andy and I sat on the couch watching batman. At one point we started making out and it started going a little further.

We ended up in the bedroom, completely naked. Needless to say I could already tell I was going to have hickeys again..

I woke up to my phone buzzing and saw it was Tommy. Shit. How long was I out??
"Hello?" I said my voice still groggy.

"Hey! Is it okay if I run by the house and pick up some spare clothes for Bubba? I thought it would be okay to keep him for the weekend while Andy was visiting, so you know. You two can have some fun."

"Don't worry, we kind of already got that down."

"Ew you two are so gross!" I laughed, rolling my eyes even though she couldn't see me doing it.

"Yea. I'll pack some clothes and leave them by the front door."

"Awesome! Be there shortly." I hung up the phone and looked at the time. Almost 8pm. Andy was still asleep next to me and I got packing some clothes for Bubba and walking them downstairs and put them by the front door.


"I'll see you in two months." I said as I pecked Andy's lips. I hated for him to have to leave again but I knew he needed to get back to his group. He hugged me again before leaving out the door. I checked the time and saw that I had a couple more hours before Tommy would bring back Bubba.

Enough time to relax and maybe watch a few horror movies and maybe take a shower? I ran upstairs changing into sweatpants and a tank, skipping the shower and running back downstairs. Time for myself sounds so great right now.

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