Chapter 13

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••Nicole's Pov••
Today's the day. The wedding. The girls and I showed up at the church early and started getting ready.

Tommy started on my makeup while Shae was doing my hair. "I'll get Bubba ready!" Sammi said picking him up out my arms. Ever since she first saw him, she's become a baby stealer but I didn't mind. As long as she actually didn't run off with him.

"Hold still!" Tommy said as she flicked my ear. Beauty hurt, especially with Tommy but it was hard staying steal while Shae was tugging on my hair.

"Okay, now open your eyes!" I heard Tommy say. I opened my eyes and almost cried. My hair was curled and laid perfectly on my shoulders.

My makeup was some but not much. My eyeliner had a small wing that curved up, and I had nice thick/thin line on my water line. Now it was time to get into my dress.

The girls helped me so I wouldn't mess up my hair or makeup, and since it was a floor length dress, the girls were okay with me wearing my all white converse.

After they helped me, they went to get ready. Doing each other's makeup and hair while I sat back and watched along with Bubba. Soon I felt my phone buzz and smiled to see it was Andy.

Andy~ you ready baby?

Me~ very much, I can't wait to see what you look like in a tux! I bet it'll be adorable :)

Andy~ and seeing you in a dress for the first time will be a surprise as well! How's bubba?

Me~ Sammi stole him away from me as soon as we arrived but he's all dressed up!

Andy~ I can't wait to see what he looks like. He'll be a handsome young man :)

Me~ just like you!

Andy~ hey! I'm not young!

Me~ whatever, gtg. Love you!

I put my phone down and got up to answer the door. I almost cried when I saw it was my brother.

"Wow Nicole, you look amazing!" He said hugging me. "And who's this little man?"

"Bubba, this is bubba." I had always called my brother bubba since I could talk, and naming my son that meant so much to me.

"Well hello there!" He said holding out his hands.

"He's two months old."

"I can't believe you had a kid before me!" I laughed some and smiled.

"Well it's whatever happens, I'm just glad Andy stayed." He visited for a while more before starting to leave to go take a seat.

I gave him one last hug before letting him leave, it was so good to see him after so long. I stood by the door, watching as people passed to go inside. One person I was shocked to see! Who the hell invited her?!

I tried pushing the thought aside and focused on the wedding. Today was my day, I would be marrying Andy and nothing would stop me...unless, Juliet?! Great! How bout my ex just show up as well? Oh please don't!

I stepped back some in shock, Sammi noticing my facial expression. "You alright?" She said walking up to me.

"My mother and Juliet are here!"

"Did you invite them??"

"No! I don't want them getting in the way of the wedding! This is terrible! I don't want to be mean and remove them and I don't want this ending terribly! What do I do??"

"Just calm down. Just focus on the wedding okay? Take deep breaths. I'll text Jinxx and get him to let Andy know what's going on." I nodded and sat down, taking a deep breath.

••Andy's Pov••
Jinxx got off the phone and looked at me with a worried look. "Dude, Juliet is here." He said setting his phone down.

"What?! I didn't even invite her!"

"Something worse, Nicole's mom is here."

"Great! This couldn't have gotten any worse! I don't need them ruining the wedding, I just hope Nicole is okay."

"Sammi said she was taking deep breaths. She's the one that spotted them and started freaking out. Do you want me to go have them removed?"

"No, hopefully they don't say a word. If they do, you and Ashley drag them out okay? Nicole's mom is the main one we need to worry about though, she will insult Nicole in a heartbeat."

••Nicole's Pov••
Sammi, Tommy and Shae were outside finishing up pictures while I sat in the room with Bubba. "Hello Nicole." A voice said breaking the silence. I looked up to see my mother standing in the door way.

"What the hell are you doing here?"

"Oh I just came to see you marry is all. I wanted to see what man is unlucky to marry a slut like you."

"Why do you even bother showing up to where I am?" I said standing up, rage coming over me. "For one, don't give a shit about me! For years a spent time trying to please you when all you ever did was abuse me! As soon as dad passed, you got with another man a week later!"

Her face was in shock as she stood by the door. "You were the one that gave birth to me, and you always say I'm disgrace! If I'm such a disgrace why didn't you put me up for adoption huh? I'm sorry I'm not like Jack or Jessica."

The first time in forever, I had actually saw a tear come out of my mothers eye. She looked down at Bubba and back up at me. Before she could say anything, she was being drug out of the room by Tommy and Shae.

"You okay?" Shae said coming up to me. I nodded and took another deep breath. Soon I heard the music playing and stood up, getting into position. This is it. The wedding is today. It's time to become Mrs.Biersack.

**hi! Sorry if I skipped through a lot of this so fast but I don't have any ideas really! I'm doing my best tho! But don't worry! I have something really good saved for the ending that I promise will be worth the reading! I hope you enjoy the story so far and I'll post an update soon! Please share with friends!!**

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