Chapter Thirty-Three

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"I wrote more of that song." Ed said when I answered the phone.

"Oh really?" I asked, suddenly excited.

"Yup." Ed said. "I'm on my way over to play it for you." I smiled at his words.

"That's ace." I said. "See ya in a bit."

"Yeah. Love you. Bye!"

I tossed my phone on my bed behind me and went back to drawing. I was working hard on a sketch of Bug. Why are the whiskers being so difficult!? I drew a whisker again. "Just be straight goddamnit!!!" I screamed. I smacked my head on my desk and just stayed like that for a moment.

"Reggie?" I looked up and say Sage. She was holding a teacup and standing in my doorway.

"Hey." I said. Sage nodded slightly.

"Its uh... Been almost a year, ya know? When ya think you'll be going back home?" She asked. I raised an eyebrow.

"I don't know yet. Are ya sick of me already Sage?"

"No... I was just wondering. I mean, it will be a year in two months so..."

"Well, I might stay."


"Yeah." I looked back at my sketch of Bug.

"Why?" Sage asked. I shrugged.

"I guess because of little Bug. This is his home. And because of Ed. I can't just leave him here." I said. I sighed as Craig popped into my head. It had been two months since his death. "And Craig... This was his home too..." Sage came up behind me and hugged me.

"Its alright Reggie." She said. "If you want to stay, you can stay." I turned and hugged Sage back.

"Thanks Sage." I whispered. "It means a lot." We hugged for a few more seconds, the she let go and took a sip of her tea.

"So... Was that Mr. Sheeran on the phone?" She asked, teasingly. I nodded and smirked.

"He wrote a song for me and he is coming over to play it for me." I said slyly. "And... I think I'm gonna prank him."

~time lapse~

I stood by the railing of the stairs, listening for Ed to enter the pub. When the door opened, Sage called up to me. "He is here! Get ready!" She said, then she shut the door.

I smiled evily and turned to my prank. A bowl of cold water. I was going to dump it on him when he came upstairs. I giggled slightly then the door opened again. I picked up the bowl.

"Yeah, Ed. She is upstairs." Sage was saying. "I think she was drawing in her room."

"Okay thank you." Ed replied, stepping up the stairs. I turned and peered over the railing, spotting his ginger hair. When he was close enough, I dumped the bowl. Ed screamed. "Bloody Hell!" I stood up and looked down at him. He was holding his guitar away from his soaking wet body.

Suddenly he looked up at me. "Hi Ed." I said with a chuckle.

"Reggie!" He whined. "You almost got my guitar wet!" I giggled.

"Ha. Ha. Ha." I said. "Come upstairs and get changed into something else."

"Like what?"

"I'm sure you'll fit in some of Craig's clothes." I said it without the slightest bit of guilt. I'd rather have Ed wear his clothes instead of a stranger.

"Um... Okay." Ed climbed up the stairs and said "You go find me some clothes. I'm gonna dry my guitar." I rolled my eyes.

"Fine." I muttered, walking back to Craig's room. When I entered it, I found Bug cuddled on Craig's pillow. I smiled. Little guy misses him too. I went over to Craig's closet and pulled out a few different shirts. Shit. I think they're all too small. I put some back and found a huge sweater. It was Craig's favorite because it was 25,000 times too big for him. That'll fit Ed for sure!

I pulled it off the hanger and turned around. As I did, a huge splash of water doused my entire body. It just missed the sweater luckily. I gasped.

"Fucking Hell!" I shouted. I wiped my face and saw Ed smirking with the bowl in his hands.

"That's what you get." He said. I glared at him.

"You fuck. Now I've gotta change clothes too." I said annoyingly. I tossed the sweater at him. "Take that." Then Ed and I left the room.

When we went into my room, I immediately took off my shirt and went to get a new one. I saw Ed take his off too. Then I saw how bare chest. I went back over to him and said "Ya know... You're really attractive without your shirt." Ed smirked back.

"So are you."

~time lapse~

I was laying on Ed. We were in my bed, naked. I was smiling. "That was ace." I said. Ed and I just finished having sex.

"Well, yeah. Its sex." He replied. "But seriously, I wanna sing you that song now." He sat up and grabbed his boxers from the floor, then he pulled them on the got off the bed.

After we were dressed, Ed and I sat down on the floor. Ed had his guitar and was waiting to play. "Ready?" He asked. Bug walked into the room and sat by me. I smiled.

"Now I'm ready." I said. Ed smiled back and played his guitar. Then he started to sing.

"I should ink my skin with your name. Take my passport out again and just replace it. And I should run you a hot bath and fill it up with bubbles. But maybe I should just face it. Baby you're loveable. And baby you're wonderful. And you will never know just how beautiful you are to me... Maybe I'm just in love when you wake me up..." Ed sang.

"I heard that before." I said. "Except now its wake me up instead of the nightmare is gone?"

"Hush. I renamed it and changed a bit of it." Ed said. Then he kept singing.

"And would you ever feel guilty if you did the same to me? Would you make me a cuppa tea to open my eyes in the right way?" Ed sang. "And I know you love Shrek, cuz we watched it twelve times." I immediately broke into laughter.

"Shrek? You involved Shrek?" I said, laughing really hard. Ed smirked and continued to sing.

"But maybe you're hoping for a fairytale too. And if you're DVD breaks today, should've bought a VCR cuz I never owned a Blu-Ray." He sang. "You will never know just how beautiful you are to me... Maybe I'm just in love when you wake me up..." I was calmer now. Ed's singing was amazing.

"And now I've always been shit at computer games and your brother always beats me. And if I lost I'd go across and chuck all the controllers at the TV." I started laughing again, but Ed ignored me.

"Then you'd laugh at me. And be asking me if I'm gonna be home next week. And then I hug your kitty and we'll cuddle til we fall asleep. My sweet." He sang. I smiled. "And you will never know just how beautiful you are to me... Maybe I'm just in love when you wake me up..."

Hey guys! That was chapter thirty-three! What do ya think of Ed's old version of "Wake Me Up"??? I like it. Mostly because I wrote it xD anyways, vote for the story, leave me a comment, and follow me for more!!!

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