Chapter Twenty-One

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"Is it okay if I go and find Ed after I finish locking up for the night?" I asked Sage as she headed upstairs. Three weeks had passed since that day I found out what David did. He never came back to the pub after that.

"Its fine." Sage yawned. "Just don't be out too late." She closed the door behind her.

"I'm gonna wait down here for you." Craig said, setting down a glass he was wiping. I nodded.

"I'll be back." I promised. With that, I turned and walked out of the pub. I left the door unlocked, assuming it would remain that way until I got back. I checked the time on my phone. 11:37p.m. Hmm... Hopefully Ed isn't asleep by now.

I walked down the street and all the way to Ed and Michael's flat. When i reached it, there was a light on in the kitchen, but other than that, the flat was dark.

I walked up and knocked on the door. Nothing. I knocked again. Still nothing. Maybe he is asleep? I knocked a third time and I heard someone shout on the other side of the door. I froze. When I knocked again, something slammed against the door, then it opened.

"Hey... Reggie..." It was Michael. "What are... You doing here...?" He was drunk. Really drunk. So drunk that he was barely understandable.

"I'm looking for Ed." I said. Michael waved at me with one hand.

"Aww... Eddy Weddy went to find his... Birdy bird..." Michael said, leaning against the door and revealing a bottle of ale in his other hand.

"Where did he go?" I asked. Michael shrugged.

"He went to your place..." He said, his voice cracking. Then he burped. The smell of beer hit my nose like a runaway bus. "He fancies you... Ya know?" He awkwardly leaned forward. "Go on... Home, Reggie..."

"I am, Michael." I said, turning away. As Michael started to close the door, I stopped him. "And Michael?" I added. He looked at me. "Get some rest, okay?" He nodded.

"Good night..." He said, closing the door. I smirked and walked back up the street.

~time lapse~

"Where have you been?" Craig asked when I walked in the pub. I gave him a weird look.

"Uh..." I looked at the time on my phone. 11:54p.m. "I went to Ed's, but he wasn't home." Craig smirked at me.

"Well, he has been here for ten minutes." Craig said, giggling.

"What?" I said. Craig pointed at the door to the apartment. I walked over to it and opened it. Then I went upstairs.

There was only one light on in the apartment. My bedroom light. I tiptoed past Sage's room, where she was snoring, and peered into my room.

There was someone standing in the middle of my room. They had my white sundress pulled over their head and they were trying to get their arms into it too. "What are you doing?" I asked. The person whirled around.

"Huh?" They pulled part of the dress up so they could see me and so I could see their face. It was Ed. "Reggie!" He said. He quickly pulled the dress off and tossed it on my bed. "I was uh..." He looked at the dress and picked it up. "I was just admiring this beautiful dress!"

"By putting it on?"

"Yes. I mean, no. I mean..." Ed looked extremely embarrassed. "I can explain..." I immediately collapsed onto my bed in a heap of laughter.

"You actually tried putting on my dress!?" I said, laughing. I couldn't even look at him, I was laughing so hard. I felt Ed sit down on the bed. "I can't believe it."

"I'm weird." Ed said. "Live with it." I eventually sat up and slowly stopped laughing.

Yeah, you're weird. Maybe even barmy." I said. Ed blushed. "But... I still love you." I leaned towards him and wrapped my arms around him.

"I missed you." Ed mumbled. I played with his ginger hair and kisses his glasses.

"So you put on my dress?" I said, with a smirk.

"Well, I just wanted to be like you!" Ed whined. I laughed again.

"Next thing you know, you'll stop eating food!" I took the dress from Ed's hands. "You want to see me wear it?" I asked him. He nodded. I got up and went into the bathroom.

Once I had the dress on, I looked in the mirror. It was a strapless white dress. Its skirt went a little lower than my knees. I looked really dorky in it. Especially because I was wearing blue and pink socks.

"Blimey!" Ed whispered, when I walked back into my room.

"Oh, hush." I said. Ed winked.

"I'm not pulling your leg!" He replied. "You're beautiful!" I blushed.

"Come on..." I mumbled. "Ed..."

"You will never, ever know just how beautiful you are to me. Only I can see it." Ed stated. "Now," He said with a yawn. "I've got to get back home so I can sleep."

As he stood up and hugged me, he added, "I was wondering if you wanted to come with me to Farmlingham." I looked up at his face.


"Where I'm from."


"My grandma always has the family get together for Christmas."

"But I'm not family."

"Yes you are."

"Okay. But Christmas is a month away!" I took a step back. "Why are you asking now?" Ed smiled.

"Because I wanted to make sure you would go." He said. I leaned forward and kissed his chin. The tiny bristles if hair tickled my lips.

"I'll go." I said. "I promise."

Hey guys! That was chapter twenty-one! If you noticed that song reference (Ed putting on a dress and not eating food) that was "Be Like You" which is one of Ed's older songs. And its one of my favorites! Anyways, vote, comment, and follow if you want!

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