Chapter Twenty-Nine

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The rest of Christmas Eve had been spent telling stories about past Christmases. Apparently, one year, Ed got a kitten and named it Daisy. And Daisy ended up being sold to someone in Farmlingham when Ed left his family.

Another year, Ed and Matthew each got a bike. And another year, their family couldn't afford presents so Grandma knit them each a new sweater.

On Christmas morning, Ailie and I exchanged stories of our homes. Mine in America and Ailie's in France. Turns out, Ailie was spending a year in Great Britain with her older brother Pascal. Just like Craig and I were. Then she met Matthew, so yeah.

Now, Ed and I were all packed up and getting ready to get on a train and go back to London. John met us at the door. "How long you leaving?" John said, looking a little sad.

"Well, Dad..." Ed said, sounding just as sad. "Just... Don't expect me back this evening." With that, Ed and John hugged.

"Awww..." I said, a bit over exaggerated. Ed giggled.

"I'll see you soon." He said, hugging Imogen next. Then Grandma. Then he turned back to me. "Okay, let's go." I gave Grandma a quick hug, then followed Ed out the door to where Ailie and Matthew were waiting in the car.

"Come on! We haven't got all day!" Matthew yelled from the driver's seat. Ailie was sitting next to him. Ed tossed our bags in the trunk and we climbed into the back seat. "Finally." Matthew said, driving out of the driveway.

As we drove to the train station, Ed seemed excited. Well, he probably just wants to go home. We all chatted on the way to the station. When we got there, Ed bought our tickets, then we stood by Matthew and Ailie.

"Well, I guess this is farewell." Ed said. Matthew nodded. Then out of the blue, Matthew hugged Ed.

"I'm gonna miss ya, Ed." He said. He leaned away. "Phone me sometime. We can go to a pub and get aled together." Ed laughed.

"Okay." He said. I turned to Ailie.

"It was wonderful to meet you Ailie." I said. She smiled.

"Adieu, ma sœur." Ailie said. She called me her sister... I smiled even bigger. "I hope we meet again." Ailie hugged me tightly, then I hugged Matthew.

As Ed and I turned to go into the station, I couldn't help but feel that I wouldn't see her again. Or Matthew. I sighed. I'm gonna miss them.

~time lapse~

"Reggie!!!" Craig exclaimed, making my name sound endless. I laughed as my brother scooped me into his arms. "Merry late Christmas!!!" I hugged him.

"Where's my present, Craig?" I asked. He let go of me and looked offended.

"Did you think I'd get you a present?" He asked. He scoffed. "Ya don't deserve one!" He was being very sarcastic. I pretended to pout. Craig and I stood in the middle of the pub, giving each other weird looks.

"Craig that thing is-" Sage walked through the door of the apartment and saw us together. "Reggie you're back!" She walked over to us and hugged me tightly.

"What thing?" I asked. Sage looked at Craig.

"Better go and show her her gift." She said. I jumped for joy and followed Craig upstairs.

"What is it!?" I screeched. Craig hushed me.

"Gotta be quiet." He said as he reached the top of the stairs. "Come on." He and I walked into the living room and he covered my eyes. "No peeking. Walk." He said.

"Okay." I said, walking with Craig's hands over my eyes. I felt the wall with my hand so I wouldn't freak out. When the wall dropped away, I knew we had reached my room.

"Look!" Craig said, uncovering my eyes. I looked on my bed and saw a little black kitten with a white muzzle, white chest, and white paws. It was curled up in a little ball, fast asleep.

"Oh my gosh!" I screamed. The kitten flinched and woke up, looking terrified. I walked over to it and picked it up. Then I sat on my bed and held the little fur ball in my lap. "Is she for me?" I asked.

"Its a he." Craig said with a laugh. "And yes he is. I spent a good £95 on him." I smiled and pet the kitten's fur.

"Does he have a name?" I asked. Craig shook his head.

"Ya gotta give him a name, dummy." He said. He sat down on the end of the bed. I looked down at my kitten. His tail flicked playfully as he nipped at my fingers.

"What a little bugger!" I said, giggling. Hmm... Bugger... Bug! "Bug! I'll call him Bug." Craig nodded.

"Sounds good to me." He said. "Welcome to the family, Bug."

~time lapse~

"You got a what!?" Ed exclaimed over the phone. I laughed loudly.

"I got a kitten!" I said. "His name is Bug!"

"Can I see him?"

"Well, yeah. But you gotta come over."

"Okay. Well I'm at a gig right now. So I'll be over later."

"Sounds great. See you later?"

"Yeah. I love you."

"Love ya too Ed. Bye!" I said, hanging up the phone. I set it on my dresser next to my alarm clock and laid on the floor. Bug climbed onto my belly and started kneeding it. "Bug! Stop it! That tickles!"

The little kitten looked at me with his big green eyes and meowed. It was so cute. I started to pet him. He was so soft and fluffy. Just like Ed's hair. I giggled and looked up at the ceiling. This is so awesome...

Hey guys! That was chapter twenty-nine! Bug is so freaking adorable! I'm glad I added him! Does anyone know what Ed's gift to Reggie might be? Anyways, vote, comment, and follow please :3

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