Chapter four

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I sat up in my bed thinking about what Gordon said about a week ago. I wasn't sure if his warning was true or if he was trying to scare me. I was still staring at the ceiling when my mom came in; she looked very worried.

"How have you been doing Red?" she asked me sitting on the foot of my bed.

"Good..." I looked at her like she was some alien from outer space. I was beginning to think that this talk wasn't going to end well.

"Remember what I said about your father..."

"Yeah, you said he was a huntsman, and he died doing what he loved."

"Yeah, but I didn't tell you about-"

All of a sudden there was a huge chorus of growls and snarls followed by screams. My mom and I exchanged frightened expressions before we zoomed out of the house. When we got outside, there was chaos was everywhere. Wolves chasing a group of four year olds, a group of wolves being chased by huntsmen, and in the shadows I saw Gordon. I ran towards him, and he grabbed me pulling me closer to him.

"What are you doing here?!" I growled. I slightly pushed away from him. His scent was pleasantly unbearable. He smelled really nice, as sweet as a honeysuckle.

"I came to say-" Before he could say, "I told you so," I punched him real hard in the stomach. He took a step back and grabbed the tree he was leaning on.

"It was you who called on the attack!" I screamed furiously. The look on his face made me regret that I ever punched

"Did you really think that? Did you really think that I would deliberately make my pack attack your village..."
His eyes widened realizing he'd said too much.

I gasped at this new information and pointed a finger at him. "So you are a werewolf! And this is your pack!"

He raised his hands in defeat. "You got me."

Then a terrible scream filled the air.

"Uh oh," we both said as we ran in the direction of the scream. Lily and Cosmo were over something I couldn't get a view of. When I got closer, I gasped. It was the chief's body! Lily turned to me with tearful eyes.

"Chief Connahey is dead," she wept. Cosmo turned to Gordon in fury.

"You let this happen," he growled.

"I warned Red about it," he protested.

"Yeah, she told us, but I didn't think it was gonna happen; it's all your fault!"

He launched himself at Gordon, but he easily dodged his assault. Seeing that Cosmo made a threat to him, he growled, baring his teeth. "You think you can defeat me?"

I didn't want to see this, so I stood between them.

"No, please don't fight," I said. Cosmo gently pushed me behind him.

"Stand aside, this could get ugly." He told me snarling at Gordon.

I walked up to him not giving up. "Please Cosmo, for me."

He sighed in defeat. "Fine."

I smiled and reached up to stroke his face. His skin is very soft, and this is the first time I've noticed that he was handsome. Cosmo's brown eyes sparkled as he embraced me, and I embraced him back. Gordon rolled his eyes and cleared his throat interrupting our hug, but it was obvious that he was jealous; why of Cosmo? "What are we gonna do, now that your chief is dead?"

Lily turned to him. "Well, I have something to confess......the chief is my father."

All of our eyes widened.

"You are the chief's daughter?!" I exclaimed.

"Yeah, it's a shame you guys never knew."

"We would've known if you told us," Cosmo snapped.

Lily shrugged unsympathetically. "Well ya didn't ask."

"Well we didn't have to ask! We should've known before hand!"

Before Lily could retort back, Gordon took a step towards her, and he placed his hand on her shoulder. "Lily," he said softly, "maybe it was better if you told them in the first place."

"Yeah, we're your friends," Cosmo agreed.

Lily sighed in defeat. "I guess your right Gordon," she turned to us, "I should've told you guys to begin with."

I gave her a comforting hug. "It's ok Lily, we're here for you no matter what."

"We are?" Cosmo asked. I kicked him in the shin. He cried out and hopped on one foot.

She accepted the embrace. "Thanks Red."

Everyone went their separate ways after that. Cosmo offered to walk me home, but I told him that I can find my own way back. Gordon was waiting for me in the shadows. He looked deadly in the dark, like a fierce hunter waiting to strike.

"Hey," he said. Then he looked around. "Is "Cosmo" here?"

I chuckled. "No, he's not."

He let out a sigh of relief. "Good, he doesn't need to be here."

"Why is that?"

He looked lost for words. "Nothing."

We shared an equal amount of silence.

"I guess I'll be going then," I said breaking the silence.

He scratched the back of his head. " too."

I walked to the house where my mom was waiting for me.

"Red, where did you go?" she asked frantically as she grabbed my face. "I was so worried about you; I thought the wolves got you." She added pulling me into an embrace.

"Mom, I was with Lily, Cosmo, and Gordon," I replied hugging her back.

She pulled her from me. "Who's Gordon?"

"A guy I meet about a week ago."

" doesn't matter as long as you're safe." She ruffled my hair. "Let's go get so sleep kiddo."

I went back to the staring-at-the-ceiling-like-it-had-all-the-answers faze. Gordon...oh Gordon...he's so beautiful, and every time he looks at me, I just want to melt, but Cosmo, I've known him for years, and I just realized how handsome he was. I'm still wondering why those two were fighting, like they were fighting for my attention or love. I groaned. I was torn between two guys; I can't make up my mind. Do I want Cosmo or Gordon? I chose to decide on that in the morning.

 Do I want Cosmo or Gordon? I chose to decide on that in the morning

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