Chapter seven

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I woke up to Gordon staring at me.

"Hey," he said. "Good morning sunshine." His green eyes were sparkling in the sunlight. I smiled at him, but my expression turned serious.

"I need to see if your wounds are healing properly," I said as I took off his bandages. What I saw shocked me. The wounds were almost healed! "Wow, you're a fast healer," I added impressed.

He shrugged. "It's in my werewolf blood." He rubbed his chest. "You can touch my chest if you want."

I forced out a laugh. "Naw, I'm good..."

"You sure?"

I glowered at him. It was very hard not to resist his offer-I mean he had a six pack and everything.

"I'll take that as a no," he mumbled.

After a few hours of scouring for food, Gordon's failed attempts at flirting, and reapplying new bandages, we were finally able to start back on our quest. While we were walking, Gordon tried several attempts to hold my hand, but of course I moved my hand away not understanding what and why he was doing this. I was tired of moving my hand away, so, finally, I grabbed his hand, and we walked like that for hours.

Nightfall came, and we set camp in a small cave. Gordon found a stream and caught some fish for us to roast on an open fire for dinner. We sat there looking at the stars with our bellies full. He turned to look at me.

"Tell me about you," he said in a dreamy tone. I took a deep breath before I began.

"Before I was born, my mother was a blacksmith making weapons for the village. One day, as she was about to close her shop, a mysterious man walked in asking her if she can make his dagger, and he'll supply the metal for it. After she made it, he was so thankful that he offered her lessons on anything she needed. The more they practiced, the more they fell in love with each other. He was putting her in danger. His enemies were using her as bait..." I stopped because this was too much for me. Gordon frowned.

"This story is about your mom, not you; tell me about you," he said.

"Fine. My mom is a blacksmith and my dad is a huntsman, but he left a long time ago on a hunting trip and never returned, so we assumed that he was dead. I was ten when I had my first trip alone to grandma's house; that's when the big bad wolf attacked me and my grandma. People took pity on us, and wrote stories about that event. One day he stopped coming; I was so glad that my grandma and I celebrated for three days straight! Then, after a while, going to grandma's house just got boring. Then I bumped into you, and before that Cosmo held my hand, and-"

Gordon grabbed my hand, and pulled me close enough to see every little detail of his face.
"It must be hard, doing errands for your mom," he said. He smiled at my reaction. Cosmo said the exact same thing! I pulled away from him. "How did you..."

"How did I what?"


He frowned when I mentioned his name. "What about him?"

"He said that to me a week ago!"

He looked to the left. "Really? What a coincidence."

I felt suspicion creeping through my body. "Gordon, is there something you're not telling me?"

He quickly tucked me in and kissed the top of my head. "Goodnight Red."

I laid there wondering why Gordon was so eager to skip the question. Maybe he knows Cosmo. Maybe they're family.
I thought so much that I thought myself to sleep.

The next morning I woke up, and Gordon was gone. I looked for him everywhere. He came back just as I was about to look into the cave for the sixth time. He had a towel around his waist.

"Hey, do you mind turning around so that I can change," he said threatening to drop the towel. I groaned and turned around to respect his privacy.

"Ok, you can turn around now," he said 20 minutes later. I turned around to found out that he was not wearing any pants. I sighed looking up. He smiled and started to shake.

"Dude, put some pants on," I said blocking my view.

"Come on, I know you want it."

I rolled my eyes and turned my attention to breakfast. "So, what's on the menu?"

He walked towards me fully clothed. "Berries and dandelions."

I took a bite. It was delicious! "Mmm...this is good; where do ya get this stuff?"

He shrugged and took a bite. "I'm a wolf, so nature is built in me."

I looked at him, and he looked at me. I ended the staring contest and said, "Well...thank you."

He glanced at me. "For what?"

What came next was unexpected: I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him. "For helping me with this quest."

He hugged me closer to him; I could hear his heartbeat. "This is our mission Red, and you're welcome." He softly kissed the side of my head while rocking me from side to side. He still smelled of honeysuckles.

"How do you smell so good," I said in a comfortable tone.

He stroked my hair, so I was even more comfortable. "I always smell like that Red. It's my natural scent."

I nodded slightly and closed my eyes. Then his lips traveled down to my neck; that's when I let out a little sigh.

"You like that," he whispered in my ear. His hand softly stroked my collarbone. My mind focused back on the quest. I pulled away from Gordon softly. "Come on, we have a quest to finish, and maybe sex later."

His eyes sparkled with temptation. "Do you mean it?"

I leaned forward close enough that we were a few centimeters from kissing. "I said 'maybe'." I pulled away before he actually kissed me (I like to keep him guessing). We got up and made our way through the forest.

 We got up and made our way through the forest

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